Happy Birthday, Bruce

Hmmmm.... tried to check the calendar from the link above, and it appears to be non functional. Won't show me anything past December 2010. Adam??? Jesse????

Happy Birthday Bruce!!!
It's at the bottom of the message board home page. A heading that says "today's birthdays".

It is indeed Dr. Bruce. :cheerswine::cheerswine:

Who is this ' Dr Bruce character ?:dunno::dunno:;).

Happy B day doc...

Next time you get to Jackson, I am buying dinner..:yes:
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Ditto on dinner offer if in D/FW!
Happy Birthday, Doc. You've been a great help to me in my short time here. Here's hoping your day is a blast.
Happy Birthday Dr. Bruce!

You are getting old if 8.47 is when you straggle in on your BD! - at least it was PM and not AM . . .:D;)
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Celebrated two birthdays tonight at dinner and neither of them were yours.

Happy birthday anyway from the family of a satisfied customer! You da' AME! :yes:

Additional verses anyone?
Dang, a day late and probably a lot more than a dollar short. Happy birthday, Bruce!
I'm late because I'm behind on posts too.

Happy birthday Doc. Thanks for all you do to educate us dumb pilots on the ways of health and welfare.
Happy Birthday Doc!!:D and Happy Thanksgiving as well!!
Thanks, all. As you know at our age(s) we no longer really celebrate, so much as to just "mark" the day.

:) Now, off to Glencoe, IL today for some limited holiday gluttony :)
Sorry I missed- congratulations on marking another year of good living. You are on the "good egg" list, in my estimation.

As the years add up, aren't you glad there are no birthday spankings being administered? (grin)