Happy Birthday ADAMZ!


Pattern Altitude
Feb 11, 2006
Eastern, CT
Display Name

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Let me be the first to wish you a happy birthday !

Best Wishes and Cheers :wineglass:
Happy birthday Adam! Have a good one.
Congrats on stumbling through another year. May your odor never increase beyond its current, modestly-putrid, state.:D

Here's hoping you get just the kind of birthday spanking you wanted.
Hey, ya, Happy Birthday Adam!
Hey yeah, happy birthday Adam! Sue someone for me :D

Please, please, please, go flying if you can!
Hey Adam, or is it Anthony? Have a great one!! I'm easy to confuse!!

Let us know what you do special. Were your ears buring on July 3rd? Spike and I were speaking of you (in the kindest of terms). Discussing your challenging flight out and back!!


Ghery said:
Happy Birthday, Adam. Now, go flying.

Heck yeah!! If ever there was a day to play hooky and get in the air, today is it. Absolutely gorgeous in the Philly area.
Will Smith said it best in Men In Black:

"Hey! Old guys!"
Well thank you all kindly! It is a beautiful day here in Philly and I plan on a short trip in the Arrow or Archer this weekend so I may not go up today but I will for sure leave work early around 3:30 or 4 and go the the airport ( its my happy place) and bum around and deliver a check to Angel Flight from the proceed of the BBQ. Then go to dinner with my lovely wife. I'll let everyone know tomrrow what cool aviaiton gifts I got.
Re: Happy Birthday ADAMZ! You wuz right!

Have a happy, Adam!

And you were right about the crab cakes at GED! One of my partners in the Cherokee and I flew down there today...
OK everyone its 3:58 P.M. and I'm getting the hell out of the office and going to the Airport:yes: :D . I'll be on my cell if ya want me.