Happy BIG 50 Gary Mascelli

Happy 50th Gary (I'll be there next year).

Hope you got to go flying today
Yeah....<sigh> the big "FIVE O"

Hey, I got up this morning so that was a plus. The wx stunk this morning so we canceled the Christmas in St. Michaels flight and instead finished the decorations here at the house. I got away with no cake and no party, Thank God! However, my brother did stop by to bust my stones.

Thanks for the B-Day wishes..........I guess with the number change I'll be moving from the DB position to someone that moves at a slower pace say o-line, maybe center. 50 is just a number and we all need to have a number on our shirt to play in the game!
Happy Birthday Gary! It's okay to be 50. You're so much wiser now, right? :D
I'm not sure how much wiser.....but happy? :yes:

Well my day is almost done, I'm thinking about hitting the hay....since I'm older now. Tomorrow is a new start on the second half. Well, it sounds good.:rolleyes:

Brook!! Congrats on one year in the log book tomorrow! :cheers:
Hey Gary, hope you had a good one! My 5-0 was so long ago I don't even remember much about it except that adult beverages were involved...
Well, I've got a bit of a lead on you, so 50 sounds young to me. Just watch out for all the AARP stuff that will be landing in your mailbox. :D

Happy Birthday.
Happy belated birthday Gary! I'm sorry I didn't get to this thread until now. Don't worry about anything, I'm ahead of you by a few pages of the calendar, relax. :D
You know by now that 50 ain't fatal. Keep flying and enjoy it.