Handy tips, tricks and memory aids

Red on right, returning.

If you see the red nav light on the right that airplane (boat) is coming toward you. Helpful in published traffic corridors with only 200 ft altitude separation.
May as well add in WIRE. I use this after I brief an approach plate or en route when things are quiet and I should be doing that pilot stuff (as my Bride calls it).

W weather
I instruments
R radios
E Elevation or MAP/DH

Of course GUMPS multiple times prior to landing ( at IAF and FAF)
RECIPRIAL COURSE... add 200 then minus 20 or minus 200 then add 20 (whichever works without causing a negative number) Or... I guess... just look at the bottom of the compass card... LOL
True course +/- Variation = Magnetic course +/- Deviation = Compass Course
T +/- V = M +/- D = C

"True Virgins Make Dull Company"

or in reverse, "Can Ducks Make Vertical Turns" or "Can Dead Men Vote Twice"

I was taught "True Virgins Make Dull Company after Wedding" to add west
"Can Dead Men Vote Twice At Elections" to add east
Before Take Off Checklist:

C controls free and correct
O off carb heat
L lap and shoulder harnesses
E engine gauges
S set trim, flaps, and mixture
L lights and strobes
A avionics and radios check
W windows and doors secure

:rofl::rofl: Sorry, couldn't resist! :rofl::rofl: