Hallo All! Roadtrip Oregon/Idaho/Nevada


Filing Flight Plan
Jun 5, 2019
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Hallo to all Pilots here!
My Name is Michael, i'm 51 Years old and from Germany. I do have my Private Pilots license
TMG and SEP complex. My wife and i plan to go on a roadtrip from september 08 till september the 17. We will arrive in Portland, have a look a the Coast around, drive to Idaho to see the nature,
drive to Reno and see the air races and drive back to Portland to fly back to Germany.
Does somebody have some good advices for smaller airports around this area, would be pleasure
to have a look at the non commercial aviation over there and maybe to have a nice flight together.
Any advices for Reno Air Race tickets where to sit there?
Best regards from Germany!!

Western Antique Aeroplane & Automobile Museum in Hood River, Oregon, in the spectacular Columbia Gorge. It's just off I-84 60 miles east of Portland; on your way to Idaho.


While you are in Portland, visit our favorite coffee shop, Ovation, at 941 NW Overton Street in the Pearl District. We used to live upstairs in that building. Tell the owners, Abe and Dee Elhabassi, that Jeff & Cheryl Jacobs send greetings. Their Moroccan coffees and teas are wonderful.

Woher in Deutschland kommen Sie?
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All of these are great suggestions. If you want to fly yourself, the easiest way is probably to rent an airplane with a flight instructor and just fly around for a while. This is also nice because the local flight instructor should know the area and be able to show you some good sights. Also, it's much more efficient - USA flight rentals typically require 2-3 hours of checkout time, which is not important to you since you're doing a one-time flight. You'll be seeing some terrifically beautiful areas - enjoy your visit!
Thanks!! You guys are great!
I'm from Paderborn, the City is in the northwestern part of Germany and not that far away from Düsseldorf/Dortmund.
If ever somebody would like to see Germany and plans a trip, i would be glad to help.
I'm open for any idea of a nice airport where a rental with an instructor in possible.
Most GA airports have flight schools that will do it (similar to a discovery flight). I used to travel a lot for work and did that quite a bit. Just call around when you get to an area you like. Before anyone says I was wasting their time, I was always up front about it. I told them I was a certified pilot and just looking to see the area. One guy in Texas even turned it into a flight review and signed me off (even though I wasn't quite due, yet). It is a great way to see an area.
Visit the Tin Shed while in Portland for a great breakfast/brunch. Evergreen museum in McMinnville is absolutely fantastic!
All of these are great suggestions. If you want to fly yourself, the easiest way is probably to rent an airplane with a flight instructor and just fly around for a while. This is also nice because the local flight instructor should know the area and be able to show you some good sights. Also, it's much more efficient - USA flight rentals typically require 2-3 hours of checkout time, which is not important to you since you're doing a one-time flight. You'll be seeing some terrifically beautiful areas - enjoy your visit!

I've done this several times in Hawaii. Just pay for the dual time and go. The CFI makes a great tour guide, and in Hawaii has the added advantage of being able to pronounce the reporting points on the radio. :D

Have a great time while you are over here.
Hallo to all Pilots here!
My Name is Michael, i'm 51 Years old and from Germany. I do have my Private Pilots license
TMG and SEP complex. My wife and i plan to go on a roadtrip from september 08 till september the 17. We will arrive in Portland, have a look a the Coast around, drive to Idaho to see the nature,
drive to Reno and see the air races and drive back to Portland to fly back to Germany.
Does somebody have some good advices for smaller airports around this area, would be pleasure
to have a look at the non commercial aviation over there and maybe to have a nice flight together.
Any advices for Reno Air Race tickets where to sit there?
Best regards from Germany!!


I live in Portland, Vancouver WA actually, just kind of a Suburb of Portland. I might be able to get a plane and take you for a tour. Check back with me around Mid August.
I live in Portland, Vancouver WA actually, just kind of a Suburb of Portland.
Hey, now! Vancouver was there first -- before Portland, before Seattle, even thirty-some years before that Canadian town 250 miles away that borrowed the name! :mad:

Have you heard of the "Mug-Smashing Mayor" of Vancouver? :D
If you visit Southwest Idaho PM me, I can't guarantee I'll be free, but maybe we could fly around the area if it works out...
If you visit North Idaho, pm me. My wife and I are also going to the Reno Air Races (assuming the weather cooperates) this year.
Hey, now! Vancouver was there first -- before Portland, before Seattle, even thirty-some years before that Canadian town 250 miles away that borrowed the name! :mad:

Have you heard of the "Mug-Smashing Mayor" of Vancouver? :D

“Hey, now!”??? Damn Expat.;):cool: Hadn’t heard that story before, to funny. It don’t say if he was using public funds to buy and smash cups. I’d a like to have seen the requisition paper work on that
Hey, now! Vancouver was there first -- before Portland, before Seattle, even thirty-some years before that Canadian town 250 miles away that borrowed the name! :mad:

“Hey, now!”??? Damn Expat.;):cool: Hadn’t heard that story before, to funny. It don’t say if he was using public funds to buy and smash cups. I’d a like to have seen the requisition paper work on that

That's why people in Vancouver, WA refer to it as "the original Vancouver". It came before that town in BC, or the island by the same name.

It also confuses people from outside the US or Canada. We had a standards committee meeting at HP in Vancouver, WA a number of years ago and had to remind (several times) people to fly into Portland, Oregon, not Vancouver, BC. Much shorter drive. :D
We had a standards committee meeting at HP in Vancouver, WA a number of years ago and had to remind (several times) people to fly into Portland, Oregon, not Vancouver, BC. Much shorter drive. :D
We were coordinating a meeting in our Vancouver (WA) office with participants from various states. A secretary phoned from California, saying she was arranging travel for her boss. She asked, "Should I have him fly into Seattle ... or Spo-Kayne?" :rolleyes:

I resisted the temptation to tell her "Boise". :p

Aviation content: Vancouver WA's municipal airport, Pearson Field (KVUO), is one of the oldest operating airfields in the country, dating back to a dirigible landing in 1905. The first interstate airmail flight (1912) landed there, as did the first over-the-pole intercontinental flight (1937). Elrey Jeppesen learned to fly there (1920), and later worked as an instructor there as well.
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That's why people in Vancouver, WA refer to it as "the original Vancouver". It came before that town in BC, or the island by the same name.

It also confuses people from outside the US or Canada. We had a standards committee meeting at HP in Vancouver, WA a number of years ago and had to remind (several times) people to fly into Portland, Oregon, not Vancouver, BC. Much shorter drive. :D

Yeah. When people ask where home is I just say Portland. If the conversation continues then I’ll explain ’The Couve’
If you have time in Oregon, and you like dairy products, I highly recommend going down to Tillamook.

Hallo aus Mannheim.
Thanks for all of your ideas and invitations, that's great to hear. I will contact you via pm a few weeks
before we go and i'm looking forward to have a great flight together if possible. Be sure that my intention is not to get a flight for free,
we will pay for our part for sure!! Thanks for the suggestions of the museums, they are looking to be very interesting, we
will put some into our roadbook. Does anybody know if a european PPL SEP license will be enough to rent a plane with an instructor
over there or do i need some more documents?
The city of Vancouver in WA is really interesting, i do work in a german travel agency and have never realized that, lol!
If somebody would like to drink a beer together at the Reno Air Races, we are open for that and we do plan to be there
from Thursday to Saturday....

Does anybody know if a european PPL SEP license will be enough to rent a plane with an instructor

You don’t have to have a license at all to rent as long as an instructor is along. :)