Had A Crummy Day Of Flying Saturday!

The drive to and from is the worst part!
U avoid all the meat bombs?
Obviously, if you're able to type about it afterward it couldn't have been a crummy day! :)

My wife is still nervous about going flying with me. I explained to her, "Look I know it's dangerous but we'll only be driving on I-4 for a few miles and after that everything is pretty safe."
Bull. I had a bad day of flying and I think it wound up costing 30 grand.

When I was racing cars, the rule of thumb was "Don't put any more money onto the track than you're willing to hold between your fingers and touch with a lit match."

Sorta similar to aviation, regarding how much money you're willing to put into the air. Saw a person destroy a nearly new Tecnam Astore at Apopka a couple of weeks ago. Lost control on takeoff and stuffed it into a berm. He was fine, but about 200 grand was gone in a few seconds.

C'est la aviation. At least with planes there can be insurance, unlike racecars.
This Mooney guy bounced so hard the guy holding the camera nearly dropped it Lol

I wish I would have flown. The low ceiling discouraged me more than it really should have.
Never a good thing to land nose wheel first.
Yea it was 12K in Salisbury... that's as good as "Clear" to a Skyhawk...

Yep. It was less than that around here (7-9K) but still plenty for just getting in a little time and doing some practice. By the time I decided to go, it started dropping. I was mad at myself the rest of the weekend.
Don't honestly think I did. Just too much sink, I think. But yeah, struck the prop and busted the crankshaft. Good thing I didn't try to take back off.
hit happens.