GTN650 shows too many towers


Mar 7, 2013
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We have a GTN650 in the RV.
When we zoom in it displays what looks like every single tower anywhere on the map. It does not matter if we are at 10,000 AGL, once zoomed in it shows them all cluttering up the entire map. The only way I have found to stop this is to turn down the map detail to the point it shows very little or zoom the map way out.

Is there some method of setting up the GTN650 to only show towers which are a threat to the aircraft?
It might help to set it up so it only shows obstacles near your position - say within 5 miles. It would be nice if they disappeared when you were higher but thats not possible as far as I know. See page 8-13 in the Pilot's Guide.
It seems like garmin forgets something basic with each new model
I don't think my old Garmin 396 handheld has this problem.

If I am at 1000 or 2000 AGL it displays some towers, but I don't recall seeing any when I am at 10,000 AGL.
On the Map page you can hit menu and select 4nm as the obstacle distance. At that distance setting only those obstacles that are within 4 nm will be shown on the map. If there is a lot on the map, I suspect it may be set for the maximum (15 nm).

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I don't think my old Garmin 396 handheld has this problem.

If I am at 1000 or 2000 AGL it displays some towers, but I don't recall seeing any when I am at 10,000 AGL.

That is because the 396 and 496 allow you to ignore obstacles that are 2k below you..
My G530 and Aera 560 only shows tower or obstacles that are within 1000ft of my own altitude and it changes to red when the top of the obstacle is at the same altitude. The 560 also gives you a voice warning when the obstacle is a threat. Check with Garmin on this.
