Going to Hawaii in August.


Pre-takeoff checklist
Jul 8, 2011
Milford, KS
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Joshua Jones
My wife and I are going to Hawaii in August. I am looking for neat locations to fly over. Does anyone know a good source of this information. I would be renting a plane from somewhere there. I looked into Helicopter flights and I believe renting a 172 would be more economical and a heck of a lot more fun.
Just take the CFI along. Simpler and cheaper than a checkout, and the locals know all the places to see.

My wife and I are going to Hawaii in August. I am looking for neat locations to fly over. Does anyone know a good source of this information. I would be renting a plane from somewhere there. I looked into Helicopter flights and I believe renting a 172 would be more economical and a heck of a lot more fun.
Which island? I can recommend outfits on Maui and the big island. Whatever you do, they'll want a check out before solo. I just take the CFI along. They make great tour guides and can pronounce the reporting points on the radio. :D

BTW, we'll be on Kauai for a week in August, too.
Just take the CFI along. Simpler and cheaper than a checkout, and the locals know all the places to see.

YES. I was going to take people up around Oahu. I did the checkout with an instructor, and had NO interest in doing it alone. Now, to be fair, Oahu doesn't have all that much to see and there's HNL class B. All the FBOs are at HNL, so be prepared for a very stressful departure and approach. Nearly every other airport on the island is military. If you're on another island, it could be another story...

The good news was that, although it's a national security area, pearl harbor is under one of the charted VFR approaches to HNL, so you get to do a legal low pass. It's pretty amazing.
On Oahu, Moore Air is a pretty good outfit. I did an island tour with a CFI when I was still a PPL student. Amazing flight, worth every penny (and it was a lot of pennies!)

The low pass over Pearl was probably the highlight. At the right angle you can see through the water over the Arizona memorial and really get a feel for what the ship looks like.
We will arrive to Hawaii on August 14th. We then do a 7 day cruise starting on the 17th and return home on the 24th. We will have at least a day on the main islands.

Thanks for all your advice.

On Oahu, Moore Air is a pretty good outfit. I did an island tour with a CFI when I was still a PPL student. Amazing flight, worth every penny (and it was a lot of pennies!)
I'll second the recommendation for Moore. I took a CFI with me and we flew out to the big island and knocked out the day and night dual x-countries for the Commercial rating.

Great time!
While we're at it, I'll probably not recommend George's Aviation. I wouldn't fly the first plane they scheduled me in after I preflighted it (minor stuff taken individually, but I have a rule for how many minor things I'll tolerate on the same plane). The second plane was OK, but there was a hidden "fuel surcharge" on a published wet rate. I thought that was a little shady.