Go Hawks!

I just can't get into it.

Since I have never been a Hawks fan I don't want to be a bandwagon jumper either. I root for the Canucks and I did for the Lightening a few years ago when they bought their Stanley Cup. But the only reason was that was the team were I was for all intents and purposes living at the time.
Let's go Blackhawks!

I have 1/2 season tickets, and was at Friday's game. Because the conference championship round ended in 4 games, I also get games 1 and 5 in the Stanley Cup finals. Life is good.

Besides the speed, what I love about hockey is the toughness of the players. Yesterday Duncan Keith got hit in the mouth by a puck and lost - count 'em - 7 teeth, and was back on the ice within 7 or so minutes.

Here's the money quote of the day:

"It's just missing teeth," Keith said through his bloodied and swollen mouth. "It's a long way from the heart."


If there's a sport that draws tougher men than hockey, I'd like to know about it.
If there's a sport that draws tougher men than hockey, I'd like to know about it.

Way back in high school (late 1960s) I had an English teacher who's husband (one of my dad's veterinary students) played Rugby. Her lapel button said it all - "It takes leather balls to play Rugby"