Getting Seaplane Rating

T Bird

Jul 24, 2021
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T Bird
~100 hr private pilot here with an opportunity to get my SES rating in the next few months. The school sent me some materials which I'm reviewing but does anyone else have any suggestions of things to do to prepare, what to expect, any tips, etc.? I do have a bit under 1 hr of dual SES from early in my training several years ago and have ridden as a pax in seaplanes a few times so generally think I have a good idea but looking for any other suggestions from those with more experience or who have done the full rating. And how intensive is the check ride compared to the initial private?
My biggest piece of advice is to have fun. Seaplanes are a blast. What will you be flying?

The check ride is much less thorough than the initial. It’s just making sure you understand seaplane operations and how they differ from land.
Honestly, I’d read the ACS pertinent sections. If you know the questions ahead of time, you recognize the answers in training.

Form a strong bond betwixt the two…
My biggest piece of advice is to have fun. Seaplanes are a blast. What will you be flying?

The check ride is much less thorough than the initial. It’s just making sure you understand seaplane operations and how they differ from land.

Yeah will definitely have a ton of fun, most likely flying a 172 on straight floats. I could do a 185 or 206 but those are much more expensive so likely just sticking with the 172.

Honestly, I’d read the ACS pertinent sections. If you know the questions ahead of time, you recognize the answers in training.

Form a strong bond betwixt the two…

Thanks, just to confirm is that just the sections in the regular private pilot ACS which reference ASES in parenthesis in the table of contents?
Yes, that’s exactly what I mean. Just for grins, there is probably a table in the beginning which spells out exactly which sections and tasks that must be completed for the add on.

And yes, HAVE FUN! I’m more than a little jealous…
Easiest check ride there is. Honestly, I think it should just be an endorsement.
You will be an odd one. Private ASES add on. Most people doing them do the add on to their Commercial.

Join the club. :D

I did my Private ASES many years ago just for fun. Some day, I will do it again and make it Commercial like everything else.
I did mine a few years ago. It was really fun. I read a book about Seaplane flying prior to signing up. It gave me an idea what to expect.
It seemed there were two things in particular that they wanted to see. Number one, by far, was glassy water landings and the second was sailing and water navigation rules and right of ways. I think the hardest thing I had to do were downwind step turns. If there is any significant wind you have to nail it otherwise you'll end up pointing right back where you started.