Genesys 3100 - Autopilot and Commanders (112s and 114s)


Pre-takeoff checklist
Jul 24, 2015
KFTG - Front Range
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There is an effort underway to get enough Commanders together to help get over the finish line for an STC from Genesys. We have between 13 and 15 now and trying to get as close to 20 as we can. The Commander Owner's Group has been working on getting the numbers together over last year and now we are in the last few weeks, probably. I know someone posted something to FaceBook, but, I am not sure if anyone posted on here, so I am.

The number counts mentioned above are for people who have a PO with their shop. Genesys is counting those, not people who say "I'm in". If you have a Commander, want a modern autopilot, check out what Genesys is offering and talk to your avionics shop - and decide what you want to do. I am not trying to sell anything - just let other Commander owners know that this effort is afoot.

I have a Commander 114 and see this as the best route to get a modern autopilot - and hope to reach others. You can reach out to your shop, Mike Demeter with Genesys, post a reply here, or post something to the Commander Owners Group - there is a Genesys 3100 Interest thread - if you have questions.


Here is the info:

Owners place the orders through the avionics shop they normally deal with. Those shops can call me (Genesys Regional Sales Mgr) with questions and send the orders to me.
As an incentive, these orders will be eligible for an extended three year warranty.
STEC 3100 Pricing - For Rockwell

A 2-axis system with automatic pitch trim is $19,995, plus installation. A three axis system is $24,995. If you already have an S-Tec autopilot, upgrades start as low as $9,995, again plus installation. Note that we do not take deposits, however the avionics shop may require one.

S-TEC 3100 Upgrades
Trade-in No Trade-in
Mod Kit 3100 dual axis (System 30/50/60) upgrade (trim already installed) $10,495 $11,995
Mod Kit 3100 dual axis (System 30/50/60) upgrade (trim not already installed) $11,995 $13,495
Mod Kit 3100 from 55X upgrade (trim already installed) $9,995 $11,995
Mod Kit 3100 from 55X upgrade (trim not already installed) $11,495 $13,495
These are list prices for the equipment only. The owners should get an installed quote from their avionics shop.
Damn, that's a compelling price spread...
That's what I was thinking. I have a Century IIB - that is acting up (works when it wants to) and an S-Tec that is rock solid and an S-Tec yaw damper - before I put money in to fix a 70's technology Century IIB - I would probably be better served to pay a little bit more and get current technology with a 3 year warranty. Plus - when they kick off the STC process, there is time - so I can save money and get it installed Q2-ish which should work out pretty well... LOL ... at least on paper.

I think the group has picked up 2 more planes since I posted this from Facebook, so it looks like this is really close to happening.

FWIW, I heard from a little birdy that Garmin is getting the 112/114 added to AML for the GFC 500 STC later this year. I'm about to pre-buy a 114 with all Garmin, so that's good news for me!
FWIW, I heard from a little birdy that Garmin is getting the 112/114 added to AML for the GFC 500 STC later this year. I'm about to pre-buy a 114 with all Garmin, so that's good news for me!

As of 12/31/2020 - Commanders are not on Garmin's list. I've pasted the list from Garmin below. It does state "subject to change" so if they added Commander in the last 6 weeks - they have not shared that. I also am not sure how realistic it would be - there are other planes out there with bigger numbers than the Commanders that are/were not on their list.

IMHO - Genesys - is the best chance for a certified autopilot for the Commanders. Genesys has been response and working through configuration questions and pricing over the last quarter. Currently we are two Commanders away from having the minimum needed - so I am hopeful we make it. If not, then we will wait and see what happens.

Good luck with your Pre-buy! If you are not a member of you may want to look into it. It's a great resource for questions and info.


Aircraft that are currently certified for the GFC 600 and GFC 500 autopilot are as follows:

GFC 500
  • Aviat Husky (A-1, A-1A, A-1B, A-1C-180, A-1C-200)
  • Beechcraft Bonanza (S35, V35, V35A, V35B, 36, A36, A36TC*, B36TC, N35, P35)
  • Beechcraft Bonanza/Debonair (33, A33, B33, C33, C33A, E33, E33A, E33C, F33*, F33A, F33C*, G33*)
  • Cessna 172 (E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, F172E, F172F, F172G, F172H, F172K, F172L, F172M, F172N, F172P, FR172K, R172K)
  • Cessna 177 (177B, 177RG, F177RG)
  • Cessna 180 (180, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K)
  • Cessna 182 (E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, T182, T182T, F182P, F182Q)
  • Cessna 182RG (R182, FR182, TR182)
  • Cessna 185 (185, A, B, C, D, E, A185E, A185F)
  • Cessna 206 (U206F*, TU206F*, U206G, TU206G, 206H, T206H)
  • Cessna 210 (210G, 210H, 210J, T210G, T210H, T210J, 210K, T210K, 210L, T210L, 210M, T210M, 210N, T210N, )
  • Grumman (American General) AA-5 Series (AA-5 Traveler, AA-5A Cheetah, AA-5B Tiger, AG-5B Tiger)
  • Mooney M20 (J, K, M, R, S)
  • Piper PA-28 (140, 150, 151, 160, 161, 180, 181, 201T, 235, 236 and Overhead Trim Models)
  • Piper PA-28R (180, 200, 201, 201T)
  • Piper PA-28RT (201, 201T)
  • Piper PA-32 (260, 300, 301, 301T, 301FT, 301XTC)
  • Piper PA-32R (300, 301SP, 301HP, 301T)
  • Piper PA-32RT (300, 300T)

GFC 500 Certification Programs Planned to Begin in the Next 12-months:
(Not currently under development and subject to change.)
  • Beechcraft 35 Bonanza
    • Models: H, J, K, M
  • Cessna 182
    • Models: 182, 182A, 182B, 182C, 182D
  • Cessna 210
    • Models: 210, 210A, 210B, 210C, 210D, 210F, T210F, 210R, T210R
  • Mooney M20
    • Models: C*, D*, E* (1962-1964 Models)

GFC 600
  • Beechcraft Baron (B55, B55A, C55, C55A, D55, D55A, E55, E55A, 58, 58A, 58P, 58PA, 58TC*, 58TCA*)
  • Beechcraft Bonanza (36, A36, A36TC)
  • Cessna 182 (P, Q, R, S, T, T182, T182T)
  • Cessna Grand Caravan (208, 208B)
  • Cessna 340 (340, 340A)
  • Cessna 414 (414A)
  • Cessna 421 (421C)
  • Cessna 425 (425)
  • Piper PA-46 (310P, 310P JetPROP, 350P, 350P JetPROP)
  • Socata TBM (700, A, B, C1, C2, N (TBM 850)
    • 0)
GFC 600 Certification Programs Currently In-progress:

(Subject to change.)
  • Beechcraft King Air
    • Models: C90, E90
  • Cessna CitationJet
    • Models: 525
  • Cessna 310R
    • Models: 310R*, T310R*
  • Cessna 441
    • Models: 441
  • Pilatus PC-12
    • Models: PC-12/41, PC-12/45
GFC 600 Certification Programs Planned to Begin in the Next 12-months:

(Not currently under development and subject to change.)
  • Cessna P210
    • Models: P210N, P210R
  • Piper PA-31
    • Models: 350
  • Piper PA-46 Meridian
    • Models: PA-46-500TP Meridian
Current count is 20 to 21 Commanders who have PO's - so if anyone on here is thinking about it - It looks like this is going to happen. Of course it's all speculation until the company moves ahead. Then it's a waiting game for them to get the STC done. But, if Genesys doesn't move forward, I am not out anything but time. If they do move forward, I may have a new auto pilot sometime in Q2 - probably the later part.