Gel ear seals stupid question


Oct 19, 2016
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I have two DC H10-13 headsets, integrated into the leather helmets for open cockpit flying. They came with the plane and seem to work fine, though I have nothing to compare them to, and it's a noisy plane. The gel ear seals are kind of wrinkly, is that normal? Or are they supposed to be partially filled like that so the fluid can move around to make a seal? Certainly they don't look full and smooth like the pictures I see in catalogs and websites. When compressed they smooth out. There's no evidence that anything has leaked out, though.
The gel ear seals are kind of wrinkly, is that normal?
Over time the covering stretches. But it's usually is okay. However, you don't want to be the guy it breaks on unless you are a fan of Brylcreem. They're cheap to replace.
I have two DC H10-13 headsets, integrated into the leather helmets for open cockpit flying. They came with the plane and seem to work fine, though I have nothing to compare them to, and it's a noisy plane. The gel ear seals are kind of wrinkly, is that normal? Or are they supposed to be partially filled like that so the fluid can move around to make a seal? Certainly they don't look full and smooth like the pictures I see in catalogs and websites. When compressed they smooth out. There's no evidence that anything has leaked out, though.
You don't have a problem with other people's cooties on your ear seals?

I'd have replaced them as soon as I got them and then create a calendar reminder to replace them every few years (I think DC says to replace them annually).
I had a cup bust on my ear somewhere over the midwest at 3000'agl, 20 years ago.
There is that brief moment when you might think your brains have found an exit and are now running down your neck. "Have I been shot, way up here?"
But that passes and you try to point blame at the airframe "What is an odorless, clear gelatinous fluid stored in the ceiling of a Cessna?" you ask yourself, before you figure this out.
The gel is the same material used in modern breast implants.
FWIW, I replaced the ear seals and went flying yesterday. The reduction in noise was significant.

While I was at it, I painted the headset shells brown to match the leather helmets. That David Clark lima bean green color just didn't have the proper 1930s vibe to match the Hatz's open cockpit and leather helmet.