Garmin G5 altitude bug question


Filing Flight Plan
Nov 12, 2020
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When the Garmin G5 (ADI) is powered on, the altitude bug is "off" (not visible).

Then, when I go into the menu to set the altitude bug, I cannot find a way to turn it "off" again. I can then only select a different altitude. Does anyone know a way to do this without power cycling the G5?

Thank you.
I don't have an answer, but why do you want to turn it off?

Oh, will setting you altitude to zero work?
I don’t know if there is a way to toggle it off. Many system work this way, with an altitude bug off until set and then it stays on. Some more advanced systems will let you turn a bug off. I Think most assume that while you’re flying, why would you not want the bug.
I don’t know if there is a way to toggle it off. Many system work this way, with an altitude bug off until set and then it stays on. Some more advanced systems will let you turn a bug off. I Think most assume that while you’re flying, why would you not want the bug.

When I'm "done" using it (no more altitude assignments) I just set it to the elevation at destination.
Thanks for the feedback. There are two reasons I’d prefer an easy way to turn it off when not needed: 1. It’s a tiny bit of extra clutter on the small display. 2. I just installed an autopilot, and the behavior of the AP interface is slightly different if the G5 has an altitude bug set.

Neither are critical but although I could not find a way to turn it off and the Pilot’s Guide doesn’t address my question I thought to float the question here in case there’s an easy solution that I overlooked.

Thanks again.
I remembered this thread while flying and tried numerous ways to reset the bug to --- with no success.
Nope. G5 lets you go negative even.