Fun with youtube and your cats


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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So I was watching some videos a little while ago on youtube and ended watching some funny cat ones. There were a few with cats talking and both of my cats came running into the office to see what was going on. They are still hanging around trying to find the cat that was yelling at me from the computer.

It is so funny watching them trying to figure it out!!!

If you have a cat at home I recommend trying this.

This was the video that started it all

Then try this one

That second kinda reminds me of Hillary Clinton. That look of Satan. :D

On both videos, my cat just sat on the floor and stared at me. :)

Years ago, I had another cat I named Bobo. Once, another cat came up to the screen door and was taunting Bobo. I tried to chase the other cat away but no luck. So, went out but not before Bobo screamed across the room and got out. He chased the other cat around to the back.

The other cat ran away but when I caught up to Bobo, he was looking at me and screaming. I swear; if a cat could have the look of Satan he certainly did at that time! I was almost afraid to pick him up. After we were back in the house, he was fine as if nothing ever happen.
Then there are people like me whose WIFE has cats, and would just as soon the little darlin's don't walk across their keyboard.

If find that this works very well. Just a click of the mouse to call up the control panel, and....

Most of cats have learned, and take off whenever they hear the launcher start training around.

One, however, likes to chase the rockets. Sigh....

Then there are people like me whose WIFE has cats, and would just as soon the little darlin's don't walk across their keyboard.

If find that this works very well. Just a click of the mouse to call up the control panel, and....

Most of cats have learned, and take off whenever they hear the launcher start training around.

One, however, likes to chase the rockets. Sigh....

That's pretty cool. I'll have to get one. :)

I come home pretty often and see the evidence of feline attempts on the password line.
Scott, my cats hate you now!

I am giggling insanely. One was on the monitor box I still haven't stored away yet (out of my sight) and the other one was lolling on the carpet. When this went off I heard the thump of the cat jumping off the monitor box and the other one came running over to me looking quite confused. Then they started circling each other and sniffing each other - I think each blamed the other for that noise! Their hair was ever so slightly on edge...

I guess they understand cat-speak even though they never see other cats! (My cats are like the Bronte sisters - I keep them away from the world outside...)
Oh man, I wish I was around my wife's furry little retard (my loving name for her cat); he would absolutely flip!
Scott, my cats hate you now!

I am giggling insanely. One was on the monitor box I still haven't stored away yet (out of my sight) and the other one was lolling on the carpet. When this went off I heard the thump of the cat jumping off the monitor box and the other one came running over to me looking quite confused. Then they started circling each other and sniffing each other - I think each blamed the other for that noise! Their hair was ever so slightly on edge...

I guess they understand cat-speak even though they never see other cats! (My cats are like the Bronte sisters - I keep them away from the world outside...)

Mine too.

Late last night they were very cuddly with me though. As if to say 'please do not torture me like that cat you have locked up in the office!!'
Have you seen the youtube where they took that top one (talking pair) and put subtitles under it? Hilarious!
Those videos came in handy this morning when I had to locate my guys in order to get them into their carriers to take them to the vet. They were talking pretty loud themselves for awhile.
You know Mari, I think you hit on it! Holy Moly.

The next time I want to put them in their carrier, I might have to pull this video out and see if I can get them easier. Of course, once you get one, the other ones wise up!

I have no idea how they know that when you are walking up to them, that you aren't just going to pet them and coo over them, you are GOING TO GRAB THEM AND PUT THEM IN THAT CARRIER AGAINST THEIR MORTAL WISHES, OH NO MOMMY PLEASE DOOOOOON'T!!!!
You know Mari, I think you hit on it! Holy Moly.

The next time I want to put them in their carrier, I might have to pull this video out and see if I can get them easier. Of course, once you get one, the other ones wise up!

I have no idea how they know that when you are walking up to them, that you aren't just going to pet them and coo over them, you are GOING TO GRAB THEM AND PUT THEM IN THAT CARRIER AGAINST THEIR MORTAL WISHES, OH NO MOMMY PLEASE DOOOOOON'T!!!!

Or they could be like one of ours. Pick him up, set him down in front of the open door to the carrier and he walks right in. Strange little fluff ball. :p
Or they could be like one of ours. Pick him up, set him down in front of the open door to the carrier and he walks right in. Strange little fluff ball. :p

Or you could get an old lady dog and enjoy that she nearly has a heart attack from excitement when you pull out the seat belt harness.
Or they could be like one of ours. Pick him up, set him down in front of the open door to the carrier and he walks right in. Strange little fluff ball. :p
Inverse, for one of my wife's cats. Absolutely HATES the carrier. My wife bought the hard-shell kind with both a "Front" door and a hatch at the top that you can lower the cat down into rather than cram it through head-first.

First time my wife used the carrier, she loaded the cat vertically and slapped the top door shut. The cat lunged forward into the front door...which wasn't latched. So the door shot open and the cat shot off underneath the bed.

It's more fun to watch, now. You see, the cat remembers the front door being open...but we remember to latch it. So my wife lowers the cat into the carrier, and it lunges forward to bash its head into the (latched) front door.....

Ron Wanttaja