Free Aviation Information Download site

No offense, but this seems like a come-on to get my computer loaded full of viruses and malware.

Your opinion is up to you. This site is run by a pilot (me) who spent more than 2 years amassing the information. I don't blame you - suspicion of malware is a sad commentary of the times...

BTW, I still get about 30 unique new visitor per day who spend an average of 11 minutes on the site :)

- Niladri
I shall remember never to post an URL in forums where you are a member. I mean, why invite being ignored? ;)
No offense, but this seems like a come-on to get my computer loaded full of viruses and malware.

FWIW. It appears that the OP has compiled a lot of the FAA publications and organized them by topic. Might be other stuff, but I didn't look around that much.
Mr. Niladri:

Welcome...I am new around here as well and want to welcome you...I checked out the site and it has some cool tools and links...

I do have to agree that showing up posting urls in your first post will be met with suspicion everywhere I frequent on the net. Don't let us telling you this straight out discourage you. Stick around...There is a lot to learn here and a lot to laugh at...
Welcome to PoA. Thanks for the link. It looks very useful.
I do have to agree that showing up posting urls in your first post will be met with suspicion everywhere I frequent on the net.

That's all I'm sayin....:smile:

First rule of the Internet: Be suspicious.
That's all I'm sayin....:smile:

First rule of the Internet: Be suspicious.
I'm not sure that's correct. I'm going to have to research that. :rolleyes:

Well, I did, and I'm afraid you're wrong. Google came up with a site that says that the First Rule of the Internet is to Stop Feeding the Troll! So that must be true! :)
I'm not sure that's correct. I'm going to have to research that. :rolleyes:

Well, I did, and I'm afraid you're wrong. Google came up with a site that says that the First Rule of the Internet is to Stop Feeding the Troll! So that must be true! :)
Well if it is on the Internet it must be true. That is also a first rule of the Internet. I think there are like 45 first rules.
Scott, your ribs are showing. Put some meat on them bones. And put some clothes on!




You're right! I can tell the difference, too! :)

I am very happy you can tell the difference. It will let my mind rest at ease when we are at Hoppy's, after a few too many Crown and Cokes, I don't want you trying with me what you would want to be trying with Milla!!! :yikes::yikes:
Guys, the website he's advertising is a blogspot url, just like so many of the pilot blogs I see around the forums here. (The one that I can pull off the top of my head is Snaggletooth's flying blog)

It's a good source for information, and I'll be checking back for any future updates.