Framing a Vintage Sectional

Brad Z

Final Approach
Dec 28, 2007
Alexandria VA
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Brad Z
While I was at Airventure in July I picked up a 1945 Sectional Chart. It's in great condition. I bought it as a decoration for my new home office. While the chart wasn't ridiculously expensive, I'm getting the sense that framing it will be. It's 35"x23". Any suggestions on framing. There's no shortage of places like Michael's, Hobby Lobby, as well as smaller boutique framing shops in the area, but it sounds like it could be quite expensive.

Any suggestions on mounting and framing this? Are there reputable framers that do this by mail? Or should I bite the bullet and spend the big bucks?

Curious if anyone else has gone through this....
I got a $6 rolled-up poster when we visited Pearl Harbor and my m-i-l spent over $100 framing it with matting, actual glass, etc. It looks great, but yeah, framing ain't cheap.
It won't be the perfectly correct size, but you can go to a poster shop like Spensers in a nearby mall where they have cheesy posters in cheesy frames for ~$19 or so.

Throw away the poster in it and put in the sectional. But yeah, the $100+ one will look a lot better.
keep in mind some of the paper from the cheap poster frames might not be acid free....those could change the color of your print over time. You'll want to mat it with an acid free paper/mat board. We have an art person in my family....I'm told most of the expense is in the framing.
if you value the sectional, don't cheap out. Do it right. Otherwise, why not just staple it to the wall?
I assume this is who you bought it from:

if you value the sectional, don't cheap out. Do it right. Otherwise, why not just staple it to the wall?
In the 70s my mom stapled maps of the United States to all of my bedroom walls (and the door, I can’t remember if she did the ceiling ). It was really fun.

We wrote on the maps, colored in portions, spray painted graffiti.

One time we lit some maps on fire … that wasn’t the wisest choice we made. But also not the dumbest. Which I guess is damning with faint praise?
This is what we did. We had a shop make sheets of glass and then sandwiched them together with stained 1x2s. Screwed hopks into the top and hang them from those pipes. They’ve been up for probably 7 years now.

I assume this is who you bought it from:

Yep that’s where I found it! I certainly was planning on buying one at Oshkosh but it seemed like a neat thing to have for my office.
This is what we did. We had a shop make sheets of glass and then sandwiched them together with stained 1x2s. Screwed hopks into the top and hang them from those pipes. They’ve been up for probably 7 years now.

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I like that. Especially if the sectional was of the era in which the chart was printed on both side. You could flip which side is visible.
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