ForeFlight Quick Tip: Where’s the Airport ?!


Line Up and Wait
Jul 31, 2017
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Have you ever had difficulty spotting an airport? Many years ago on my first significant cross country and approaching Chadron, Nebraska — for the life of me I couldn’t find the airfield. Of course, appropriately humbled, I eventually did. In this quick tip we’ll explore a very simple yet awesome ForeFlight feature that is a nice visual assist for our eyeballs. Welcome aboard! Wayne, GeezerGeek Pilot
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Seems like a bad idea to me to enter the pattern to an airport you haven’t yet figured out where is.
Been doing OBS on the 430 for the runway for almost 20 years. Way to catch up with the times Foreflight!
Seems like a bad idea to me to enter the pattern to an airport you haven’t yet figured out where is.
Totally agree. At 02:16 in the video is the note: "Of course, eyes mostly outside looking for traffic, obstacles, and terrain".
Been doing OBS on the 430 for the runway for almost 20 years. Way to catch up with the times Foreflight!
I often do this also and it does help with general SA. It's of course only precise if the active waypoint (e.g. KCDR) is aligned with the runway centerline (e.g. KCDR rwy 21/03), but would be off a bit if not runway aligned (e.g. KCDR rwy 30/12).

Of course, the best strategy might well be to load an instrument approach and join the final approach course. :)

I usually put in an instrument approach in FF and the runway final approach shows up on my Garmin 660
Nice trick. Good for a double check / situational awareness. And it only brings up the appropriate pattern for uncontrolled fields. Thanks!
Have used that FF feature quite a few times flying into unfamiliar fields that may have difficulty getting a visual on. Nice to have a pattern aiming point to aid in situational awareness while trying to get a visual on the actual runway.
I enable the extended centerlines for the departure and destination airport.

Helps if you get a long final at a tower field.
Have used that FF feature quite a few times flying into unfamiliar fields that may have difficulty getting a visual on. Nice to have a pattern aiming point to aid in situational awareness while trying to get a visual on the actual runway.
I have, too. Sometimes it's a little hard to visualize traffic patterns for multiple runways if you've never been there before. It's an excellent tool. Use all available resources to maximize SA.
I am surprised this was just discovered, it has been on FF for sometime.
I am surprised this was just discovered, it has been on FF for sometime.
I’ve indeed also been using it for many years; just thought of making a video. Thx for watching. Wayne