For those of you who are feeling creative:

You tickled my fancy. I couldn't help myself, and instead of fixing supper, I played with a generic Comanche photo and Photoshop. I think your white/black/purple color scheme is an elegant idea. (Must admit it surprised me, because purple isn't the first color that comes to mind for airplanes, but I have to admit, it's really pretty!) Try it yourself with any computer paint program. Run a wide black stripe (say 18" wide) on the side, from nose to tail, with two narrower stripes (say 2 and 4 inches) of brilliant royal purple on top of the black stripe. Repeat, smaller, on tip tanks, and maybe for fun, run those black/purple stripes up the tail. The N number could go through all three colors, or use shadow boxing to set them off. Strikingly handsome, and wouldn't be hard to pick out on a crowded ramp.
You tickled my fancy. I couldn't help myself, and instead of fixing supper, I played with a generic Comanche photo and Photoshop. I think your white/black/purple color scheme is an elegant idea. (Must admit it surprised me, because purple isn't the first color that comes to mind for airplanes, but I have to admit, it's really pretty!) Try it yourself with any computer paint program. Run a wide black stripe (say 18" wide) on the side, from nose to tail, with two narrower stripes (say 2 and 4 inches) of brilliant royal purple on top of the black stripe. Repeat, smaller, on tip tanks, and maybe for fun, run those black/purple stripes up the tail. The N number could go through all three colors, or use shadow boxing to set them off. Strikingly handsome, and wouldn't be hard to pick out on a crowded ramp.​

Post it! Let's see it. :D
Ed, call me the silly boy (you do anyway), but I really like the classic factory paint on some Comanches- especially the 400s (you rarely see those with new-age-swoopy-line paint).


Ooh... that's nice!
Post it! Let's see it. :D

Urk. I'm embarrassed to show you, because I just barely understand Photoshop basics, and my hands get shaky when I try too hard. :blush: I expect that somebody could doll it up with fancy scrollwork and swoopy designs, but simplicity is not only a virtue of its own, it's also much easier to accomplish in basic PS.
Anyhow, if I squint at it and imagine really hard, I can imagine that it could look really pretty.


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I like the black and tan myself. Purple can be a bit gaudy and I think you may tire of it after a while...this from the guy who wears baby pink golf pants proudly :)

I gotta say Ed, I'm kinda partial to the classic look that Spike posted and the one trapper john posted is a very close second.
I might be getting close...

Can't find a good rendering with tip tanks on it though. So imagine a couple white pods on the ends of the wings.


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Hmmm I wonder if there's an STC to put a stuka horn on a Commanche :D
I suggest Scarlet and Grey.

And you should Change the tail number to be N10SU
I didn't really like any of the choices, but the black and tan is probably the least pukeogenic. You should try and match a factory Comanche paint job as best you can, in case you have to sell it some day.
I didn't really like any of the choices, but the black and tan is probably the least pukeogenic. You should try and match a factory Comanche paint job as best you can, in case you have to sell it some day.

Yeah, I suppose I could go with white and/or red, and/or blue like 95% of the GA fleet. :rolleyes:
Yeah, I suppose I could go with white and/or red, and/or blue like 95% of the GA fleet. :rolleyes:

When I do house painting I tend to use fairly warm neutral colors, in case I sell the house some day. Yes, most houses are painted that way, no mine won't stand out, but things that stand out will not sell to many people.

Make a strong paint job if you like. You'll stand out nicely on the ramp. However, you will have potentially denigrated the value of your aircraft. If someone is looking at it and a similar aircraft with a less objectionable paint job, which one will they choose? I would not make a capital investment of that size without thinking through the ramifications. If you really want something with a wild paint job, do it on a bike or a car.

My thoughts, for which you did ask. Sorry if you don't like the answer.
When I do house painting I tend to use fairly warm neutral colors, in case I sell the house some day. Yes, most houses are painted that way, no mine won't stand out, but things that stand out will not sell to many people.

Make a strong paint job if you like. You'll stand out nicely on the ramp. However, you will have potentially denigrated the value of your aircraft. If someone is looking at it and a similar aircraft with a less objectionable paint job, which one will they choose? I would not make a capital investment of that size without thinking through the ramifications. If you really want something with a wild paint job, do it on a bike or a car.

My thoughts, for which you did ask. Sorry if you don't like the answer.

You've seen the paint I have now. I don't think anything I do will drive the price down further. I don't think post #56 is anything too gaudy.
You've seen the paint I have now. I don't think anything I do will drive the price down further. I don't think post #56 is anything too gaudy.

What I recall was an old but not particularly objectionable paint scheme. Indeed what was shown in the post you specified is not gaudy, and the color combination was the combination I suggested as being the best, or perhaps the least bad. If it floats you boat go for it, it is your airplane. But again, you did ask for opinions and you now have mine, which is worth approximately what you paid for it. now if you had my wife's opinion, that would be worth something indeed.