Fly for the food or fly for fun


Touchdown! Greaser!
Oct 22, 2008
mass fla
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ron keating
Was wondering how many people fly for the quality of the food ,100 dollar hamburg,or is the food secondary to the flight. Could even be both.
The food is terrible and a poor excuse to keep flying boring lame stuff. Only thing worse then the food would be sacking the ego delusion we paid so much to self identify with.
my friends always made fun of me, because I would spend $500 in gas to go somewhere for lunch, but wouldn't spend more than $10 for said lunch.

The meal is just the excuse
I have had some great airport food and some great flights ,like to try and keep the two together.
Tomorrow we fly for the FOOD!...Bread Bowl clam chowder with seafood topper at Splash Cafe in San Luis Obispo...worth every penny of AVgas!
Both..... Having food at the destination airport is just gravy....

All these places are/were in Fla..

Years ago you buzzed the town of Ceder Key and Edna would come pick you up in her run down station wagon... She has to be dead by now but I would guess the procedure is similar.... Chalet Suzanne in Lake Wales has a private strip, same with River Ranch down at Yehaw Junction.... And then there was the 94 Aero Squadran at Herndan, now called Orlando Ex... You could taxi right up to the side door. go inside and get some really good food...

Ahhh.. Those were the days..:)
...fortunately, the places I go around here...the food is great. It just simply comes down to that 'having a destination' to me. It's great to go toodle around and poke holes...but it's way more fun to get in with a flight plan, set the GPS direct to somewhere else, climb high and enjoy cruise flight...well worth the $$ for me.