Flight school located on short field or grass strip


Jan 7, 2021
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Looking for flight schools that have short runways that offer flight training at their home airport! Airports that have runways less than 3500ft.

Also, looking for flight training on grass strips.

Similar to :
Twin oaks- 2500ft
Sky park - 2400 ft

Thank you in advance!
Freeway, W00, 2420x40
Davis, W50, 2000x50
Clearview, 2W2, 1840x30

Main runway is 3250 (1/19 up from 2850). Cross wind runway (10/28, formerly the only paved runway) is 2010 feet. But may not be available much longer. For some reason, MD Dept of Aviation wants it gone.
10c. Has a grass strip and an asphalt runway

Asphalt is 2802x36 with a pretty good slope.
Grass 2141 x125. Never been on the grass side myself.
isn't "short" a relative term?
depending on what you're flying​
and your proficiency level​
and what you are used to​

I'd say 3,500 feet is ...well maybe not long....but let's say "normal" to long-ish if flying a typical SE bird

I learned at JGG, about 3,200 ft as I recall.
I remember the club at Langley relocated there for about a month and to those folks it was SHORT. I could be wrong due to my memory being clouded by time, but I remember some of them struggling.
We have grass runways alongside the paved ones. I believe one of them is 2,000 feet; the other a bit longer.

This is at KAUW.
I'd say 3,500 feet is ...well maybe not long....but let's say "normal" to long-ish if flying a typical SE bird
3500' is quite long to me, but it's the number the OP specified.
10c. Has a grass strip and an asphalt runway

Asphalt is 2802x36 with a pretty good slope.
Grass 2141 x125. Never been on the grass side myself.
Grass is definitely decent.
3500' is quite long to me, but it's the number the OP specified.
To be fair, the paperwork at some flight schools restricts or discourage runways under 2500' or so. Maybe he wants to thread that needle?
If you don't mind me asking? Why do you want to train on a short grass strip?
It seems to me there is much more to learn at a towered airport while learning to fly?
I only landed on grass 2 times on the same day on the same strip while I was training. The rest on 6000' paved runway. I learned short soft takes offs and landings just fine there.
I now fly out of a 2800' asphalt strip which is 2 times as long as I need for a 172, not so much when I fly my buddy's arrow.. I taught my self to land on short grass strips after I earned my PPL. It was fun as hell and I am glad I learned on asphalt and gained some confidence on my own landing short. It was so rewarding. I visit most grass strips around me now. This one is 1700' long, 8I1 grass bumpy.
This afternoon landed at 8GK 5000' of brand new super smooth concrete, on top there was about 1.5-2" of snow. I was the first plane who landed there since last Friday when we got the snow. It is a public airport but no one goes there because there is nothing there, nothing. Only been open 6-8 months now. The snow was interesting, definitely could feel the drag landing and taking off. Learn something every time I fly I hope. Sorry no pictures of the snowy runway.
8I1 One Hot summer night right before sunset, the best time to fly.

here is 8GK before it was finished.

Take off roll at 8I1. tall grass and it close to 90°f this evening, hot. Fun times I now pretty much know what my plane can do.