Fixed ADS-B In

In an earlier post, I described my set-up, which has a TrueBlue USB power supply powering a Stratus. OP nixed it (saying it wasn't "hard wired").
Actually, that's probably what I will wind up doing. The available hard wired devices all have constraints. GDL-50R comes closest to what I wanted, but is not open ADS-B compatible.
I had a Freeflight Rngr ADS-B In unit installed in my plane several years. This used a transponder antenna under the belly and interfaced with my Garmin 430w. Has always worked well but I still carry a Bad-Elf GPS that I can plug into my Ipad as a backup.
I wound up mounting a Stratux under my panel and getting extension cables for the antennas. Good enough. Found a mounting spot in front of a cabin vent so it will get a ton of airflow and no sun.

Now if I could figure out how to get GPS data in RS 232 format out of my android phone ...
I have a Stratus 3 hardwired under my panel to the ship's power (with a single port True Blue USB power supply), and attached to an external antenna.
SoCal, I'm looking at doing this with my Stratus 3. I only fly one airplane and have forgotten to bring my the stratus to fly with a couple times. I would rather just have it part of the airplane. Can you provide details on how you accomplished this? Thanks!