First airplane you took flight in?


Line Up and Wait
Oct 15, 2015
Walla Walla. WA
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Mine was a Cessna 170. It was the early 60's. My father & uncle bought it & both started taking flying lessons. I was sworn to secretly because my father & uncle were in business with my grandfather & he was dead set against small airplanes.

I remember the airplane was polished aluminum with beer bottle brown trim. At that time the small airport in Brigham City, UT was very busy with many airplanes & people bustling around. Yes, I got to experience the golden years of aviation.

I've had a soft spot for 170's ever since & am grateful I've had a chance to fly a few over the years.

What did you take you first flight in?
C-172 I think on a demo flight I'll have to go look, but my heart was really stolen by the venerable old beat up C-150 I soloed in.
Constellation, TWA

Ohhhh I hate you now. ;) (Just green with envy.)

And we haven't used this meme around here for a while but this seems like the appropriate time to do it...

GlennAB, you suck.

Love, PoA

First ever was an Eastern DC-7B from Midway to Miami, in the middle of winter, return a week later on a Connie. Second first flight was in Uncle Art's J-3 Cub in the front seat.

I was sold.
1939 Taylorcraft owned by a friend of my dad. I was 10 or maybe 12 and scared but tried to act cool. I bet the pilot (I forget his name) thought that I was bored because I just sat there and looked around without saying much. He and my dad would fly from the old Bellevue airport (closed) to Hoquiam for lunch.
Probably a Cessna 150 or 172. I remember flying in my mother's lap. My uncle told me he remembers flying in the back seat with me too. I might have to look up my old man's logbook when I get back to the States the end of next month. See if he made any comments about passengers.
February 12, 1963, Fullerton CA:

1967 in my uncles V tail Bonanza. My Dad arranged for him to take our family up because I was crazy about airplanes. I had to mow my uncles grass in payment, work ethic was big in our family. :) I have been hooked on airplanes and work since!
Uncles pitts s2b was the first i think. Went out did pretty much every acro maneuver it could do loved every second of it. Years later got my licence and 200 flight hours later still haven't got to fly acro again.
A Cessna 172 out of Millville NJ - KMIV. I was working on a taxiway and runway contract and one of the locals that had a shop asked if I ever flew besides commercial flights. After I said no but would love to, he offered up the right seat and I was soon hooked. After landing I walked over to the flight school and signed up, taking lessons after work before driving home each night.
Stinson Voyager, 1948. I was about 10 years.
VC-10 BOAC...heck of a airplane...
182 out of Anchorage, AK in 1982. Flew to Kenai
First airplane I rode in - a United Boeing 727.
First airplane I've flown - a Cessna 172.
1st ride in an airplane? DC-9. 1st ride in a small airplane? T-34B. 1st time at the controls of a plane? 172.
Some airliner from DTW to DFW. Didn't care what kind it was at the time, don't care today.
My first flight ever was in a Convair 580 when I was 3 years old. Don't remember it.

My first flight in a small plane was in a Citabria flown by a family friend when I was 16. We did some light acro and it was a blast!

My first flight in the left seat was in a Piper Warrior when I was 21. Got my PPL two months later.
GA: PA28-140
First ever: Tu-134, I think.. could have been Tu-154. I was pretty young.
In the mid-1950s an ex-military aviator friend of my Dad's rented a Cessna tandem-seat tail dragger and took me up. I was sold but that sell remained latent for a long time....

Help identifying this bird? C-120?
In the mid-1950s an ex-military aviator friend of my Dad's rented a Cessna tandem-seat tail dragger and took me up. I was sold but that sell remained latent for a long time....

Help identifying this bird? C-120?

No Cessna 120/140's are side by side. Must have been a Cessna bird dog or similar variant.
An airliner from NY to San Francisco when I was about 3.

Unless you count the time I made the same flight in utero.
Probably an MD-something or other or a Boeing.

First GA plane I ever flew in was a C-152.
It was a Pitts Special...crop duster version or a Stearman. I was about seven years old and my uncle worked for Monsanto Chemicals and was the guy who made sure the crop dusting stuff got to the guys who fly it. We went out to the dirt runway and my uncle asked the pilot if I could have a ride. The pilot said yes but keep it on the down low. Open cockpit and I sat on his lap....yeah, pretty dangerous at the time but I was seven. I later found out (when I was sixteen) the owner found out and the pilot was fired.
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I was with my dad and we got a ride in a B-25. I was 4 years old and I really don't remember anything about it.

At 10 years old I was again with my dad on a trip. The first leg was in a DC-3 with a scheduled airline called Trans Texas Airlines. Or as we called it, tree top airlines.... Yep, I had to wear a coat and a tie.
Other than an airplane? Super Cub with my grandfather. It was absolutely amazing: a vivid memory I hope to never forget.
Night flight in1952 in a Cessna 195 owned by our family doctor....amazing!! Nose to the window the whole time. Hooked me!!

I'm not exactly sure. It was some military transport headed over the Pacific, I know that much. I was like three at the time.
First time in a plane was a Cessna 170/172 (I don't remember if it had a tail wheel or a nose wheel) when I was 8. First time in an airliner was in 1969 (KGEG - KMSP). NW Orient and I don't remember what type of Boeing it was. All I truly remember was it was LATE. Typical NW, took them 30 years before they finally got me somewhere on time.