Finally got the wife to fly with me


Final Approach
Nov 4, 2015
Vail, Arizona
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It took a few months but she finally agreed to go up yesterday morning. Of course I picked a day when it was dead calm and at 0630. She'd never been in a GA plane before and on take off she was visibly nervous and said that it was "wiggly" when it finally left the ground. We flew out to the practice area and putzed around for about an hour. Got closer to the mountains and encountered a few extremely minor bumps which made her nervous again but I used the car with the bumps on the road story and she calmed down. I let her "fly" which lasted about 10 seconds before she wanted me to take the controls again. I never banked more than 30 degrees and the touchdown was a squeaker.

She told me this morning that she wants to fly again but to someplace "nice." I asked, what is her definition of "nice" and she said, "Palm Springs because they have a big outlet mall there."

Hey, its a start.
awesome. uh, I mean, pics (of the wife) or it didn't happen! :cool:
Well, if you fly her to the mall just make sure your useful load will handle all of her purchases.
Well, if you fly her to the mall just make sure your useful load will handle all of her purchases.
That's no joke...I flew my girlfriend and I to Put-In-Bay one summer morning...with the fold up bikes in the plane we would be at gross for takeoff on the short little runway. All day long I watched the temp and humidity climb as my girlfriend shopped and bought stuff to take home...she couldn't understand why I was so stressed when we (barely) left.
A wife has no name?
Glad it went well, any pics?
Wife's name is Jennifer but if I said "Jennifer finally went up with me." it would still be a mystery. She took some selfies of us and her dog (yes we took her stupid dog, a long haired Chihuahua named Cooty Bear...don't ask) but the pics are all on her phone.
It took a few months but she finally agreed to go up yesterday morning. Of course I picked a day when it was dead calm and at 0630. She'd never been in a GA plane before and on take off she was visibly nervous and said that it was "wiggly" when it finally left the ground. We flew out to the practice area and putzed around for about an hour. Got closer to the mountains and encountered a few extremely minor bumps which made her nervous again but I used the car with the bumps on the road story and she calmed down. I let her "fly" which lasted about 10 seconds before she wanted me to take the controls again. I never banked more than 30 degrees and the touchdown was a squeaker.

She told me this morning that she wants to fly again but to someplace "nice." I asked, what is her definition of "nice" and she said, "Palm Springs because they have a big outlet mall there."

Hey, its a start.

Awesome, you did it the same way I did...:yes: Once you make a few trips to the places she wants to go she'll understand the utility and she'll be hooked. Now she picks the destinations and I get to fly...:happydance: Oh btw, now I have to say is the plane needs... and she says "okay".... Heck Yeah...:rockon::rockon::rockon:
(yes we took her stupid dog, a long haired Chihuahua named Cooty Bear...don't ask)

I think most of us would have left that part out. Completely. Otherwise, well done.

I'm pretty lucky- other than my tailwheel instruction flights, my wife had gone flying with me every time since I got my ticket. (Feb 22, 2016)
I let the wife pick the destination, I get to fly somewhere cool, and we are both quite happy. Block Island tomorrow.

Put-in-bay was one of our first trips when I lived in Dearborn. Cool spot.
Another thing we have in common. We both have 1970 140's that have been maintenance nightmares. And my girlfriend is named Jennifer too.

She actually got me my intro flight for Valentine's Day last year and has flown with me a few times. I'm glad you guys live in Arizona since she picked Palm Springs. Hoooottttttt.
Another thing we have in common. We both have 1970 140's that have been maintenance nightmares. And my girlfriend is named Jennifer too......

I guess you could have a cool plane but a high maintenance wife instead of the other way around?
Great story and all but did she " put her hands on your yoke" during the flight? Or did you maker her practice the emergency landing drill," keep your head down, I'll let you know when you can return to an upright position"
I had a girlfriend for a few years that loved to fly. I flew a Christen Eagle and the wilder I got the more she liked it. Coming home over northern Nevada one time we encountered severe turbulence in a 182. I'm trying to keep the airplane upright and not tear the wings off and she's sitting over there saying how much fun the ride is.
It took a few months but she finally agreed to go up yesterday morning. Of course I picked a day when it was dead calm and at 0630. She'd never been in a GA plane before and on take off she was visibly nervous and said that it was "wiggly" when it finally left the ground. We flew out to the practice area and putzed around for about an hour. Got closer to the mountains and encountered a few extremely minor bumps which made her nervous again but I used the car with the bumps on the road story and she calmed down. I let her "fly" which lasted about 10 seconds before she wanted me to take the controls again. I never banked more than 30 degrees and the touchdown was a squeaker.

She told me this morning that she wants to fly again but to someplace "nice." I asked, what is her definition of "nice" and she said, "Palm Springs because they have a big outlet mall there."

Hey, its a start.

She'll love the banning pass ;)
Good job on introducing her in a favorable manner. Those first few flights can set the stage for what happens years to come.

Along the lines of your post, my wife Janet and I have flown thousands of hours together in the last 25 years.....but ALWAYS to a destination. Vacation, family, business, medical - always for a purpose. Never would she show any interest in a fun flight. Last weekend the stars aligned early on Sunday am, I suggested a mountain tour.....and she agreed! We had a great time! Only comment other than wow, it is gorgeous out was she was not used to flying 'so low' ie 1000'agl and below mountain peaks (usually we fly way up high on xc's and she was not used to seeing things so close up).
We had just gotten our first 150, we based it at OKH, the girls and I were flying it quite a bit, one day we returned from a short flight, and the wife was setting there in her car, after we shut down, she asks over and says " I'm next" since then it's always been "you going some where- got room for me"?
My girlfriend doesn't hate flying but she certainly has no desire to do it just for fun. If there is a good destination she will want to fly but typically only because not flying would have meant not going.

In addition, I made the mistake of spoiling her by using a friends Malibu on a few trips. Not sure I'll ever be able to get her into an unpressurized aircraft again.

She does pretty good but doesn't handle turbulence well. Best to just give her some dramamine before takeoff, and she'll be out before the gear is up. You could fly through a hurricane with the airplane on fire and she wouldn't wake up.

Forgot the Dramamine a few days ago and hit a bump over Kansas that lifted her off the seat. I'm still catching **** over that. She also says I look "too calm" and need to be more alert lol. Won't forget next time....
Well, if you fly her to the mall just make sure your useful load will handle all of her purchases.

Now that's funny......My Bride and I took her friend on a flight to Saint Michaels for their annual Christmas Parade. I cautioned my lovely Bride about W&B....she gave me a hug and kiss then let me know, no worries hun, everyone ships. o_O Well **** the bed.....the wallet is screwed.

Now it's a standing joke whenever we fly someplace and anyone that asks about how much we can get on the plane.....she points at me and I make the face and do the quote. blah...blah....blah. :rolleyes:
I let the wife pick the destination, I get to fly somewhere cool, and we are both quite happy. Block Island tomorrow.

Block Island is a great idea; another one for the list...