FBR Worthless


Cleared for Takeoff
May 31, 2005
Oak Harbor
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BFR Worthless

BFR worthless, what we need is some sort of retesting to the level on your certificate. Every few years say ten every pilot should be required to retake the practical part of the highest certificate that they hold by a DPE. :dunno:
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BFR worthless, what we need is some sort of retesting to the level on your certificate. Every few years say ten every pilot should be required to retake the practical part of the highest certificate that they hold by a DPE. :dunno:

What caused your britches to be bunched up over this?
This is a terrible idea. Like most formal standardized testing the practical test covers stuff hardly ever used in the normal course of the day. Besides that an atp check ride is way easier than the commercial or private.
Re: BFR Worthless

Just had my BFR a few weeks ago and have to say I learned a lot more than I thought I would. The guy had a surprising amount of knowledge specific to my Sierra, which was great. I flew with a CFI I didn't have any experience with prior, which I think can be a good idea.

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Re: BFR Worthless

BFR worthless, what we need is some sort of retesting to the level on your certificate. Every few years say ten every pilot should be required to retake the practical part of the highest certificate that they hold by a DPE. :dunno:
Why a DPE? Are CFI's incompetent boobs?
Re: BFR Worthless

BFR worthless, what we need is some sort of retesting to the level on your certificate. Every few years say ten every pilot should be required to retake the practical part of the highest certificate that they hold by a DPE. :dunno:

Really bad idea! You can make much more out of the BFR with some effort. Why require mandatory testing when most pilots are proactive and typically willing to pursue knowledge on their own?:no:
Just what we need more regulation,and added costs.great idea.
Still sounds good at the ATP levels.;)

um... I take checkrides every 6 months to ATP standards. All a private pilot has to do is take a refresher every two years with a CFI that might not have any real world experience.
Just what we need more regulation,and added costs.great idea.
Since their is no way to fail a BFR you can shop around to find a CFI that will sign you off for another two years good or bad. Yep just what we need more regulation, and added cost. Great idea:yes:
Since their is no way to fail a BFR you can shop around to find a CFI that will sign you off for another two years good or bad. Yep just what we need more regulation, and added cost. Great idea:yes:

What we really need is IA's (Inspection Authorization) holders to take a real knowledge exam every year to hold their certificates (both A&P and IA), and not a multiple choice easy test test.

That would clean out over 50% of the signature sellers.
I think anal probes should be administered weekly, not just annually at physicals.
What we really need is IA's (Inspection Authorization) holders to take a real knowledge exam every year to hold their certificates (both A&P and IA), and not a multiple choice easy test test.

That would clean out over 50% of the signature sellers.

Hey, this one A&P I talked to about Lear 23s said he had a flat rate of $5000 for the 12-year inspection. Done in 1 day, guaranteed not to find any problems. Can't remember his last name, first name Parker.
What we really need is IA's (Inspection Authorization) holders to take a real knowledge exam every year to hold their certificates (both A&P and IA), and not a multiple choice easy test test.

That would clean out over 50% of the signature sellers.
Sounds good lets go back to the written answers of years ago. Let's expand that to Experimental aircraft requiring a new certification every ten years to make sure they are safe and the repairman cert that go with them.
Since their is no way to fail a BFR
Yea, you can't "Fail". You get to continue to keep flying for another couple weeks until your last review expires.

On the other had, if you can't perform up to PTS (which seems to be the desired target that started this thread) then either you don't pass or the CFI did not read the guidance from the FAA. Which brings us back to CFI's being incompetent boobs. And given that the CFI is the problem, why put more requirements / restrictions on those of us who are not CFI's instead of addressing the actual problem?
Sounds good lets go back to the written answers of years ago. Let's expand that to Experimental aircraft requiring a new certification every ten years to make sure they are safe and the repairman cert that go with them.

Tho$e $ound like really great $olution$!
Hey, this one A&P I talked to about Lear 23s said he had a flat rate of $5000 for the 12-year inspection. Done in 1 day, guaranteed not to find any problems. Can't remember his last name, first name Parker.

Sounds like the guy that will "annual any single engine fixed gear plane for $200" type. :rolleyes:
Yea, you can't "Fail". You get to continue to keep flying for another couple weeks until your last review expires.

On the other had, if you can't perform up to PTS (which seems to be the desired target that started this thread) then either you don't pass or the CFI did not read the guidance from the FAA. Which brings us back to CFI's being incompetent boobs. And given that the CFI is the problem, why put more requirements / restrictions on those of us who are not CFI's instead of addressing the actual problem?

Actually, you bring up the most valid issue and that is, when the BFR expires, what prevents someone from flying? The only reason anyone not working as a pilot really needs any level of certification and training is to have insurance. If you don't need insurance, you can just tell the whose system to tuck off and buy a plane and fly it maintained to any standard you want. The chances of it being discovered without an accident are below 1%, and the consequences the FAA will bring to bear will consist of a letter saying "Stop doing that" that unless you are hauling passengers for hire, will go unmonitored and unenforced. The only power the FAA has over us as with regards to private operations is the power we volunteer to them.
Sounds like the guy that will "annual any single engine fixed gear plane for $200" type. :rolleyes:

No problem so long as I do the annual INSPECTION and let somebody else do the greasy work of bringing the aircraft up to inspection standards. Inspection ain't hard or time consuming; fixing the busted stuff is.

No problem so long as I do the annual INSPECTION and let somebody else do the greasy work of bringing the aircraft up to inspection standards. Inspection ain't hard or time consuming; fixing the busted stuff is.


There are lots of annuals that are being done without ever seeing the aircraft, much less an "inspection".

And to do an "inspection" correctly does require require some time.
There are lots of annuals that are being done without ever seeing the aircraft, much less an "inspection".

And to do an "inspection" correctly does require require some time.

Sad but true, now a days you don't even have to mail them your log book, they send you a sticker Fed Ex.

Once I had an airplane ready for inspection it usually took Ward about an hour or two to finish the inspection phase on a simple single and could easily go over a day on a Chieftain or 421.
Actually, you bring up the most valid issue and that is, when the BFR expires, what prevents someone from flying? The only reason anyone not working as a pilot really needs any level of certification and training is to have insurance. If you don't need insurance, you can just tell the whose system to tuck off and buy a plane and fly it maintained to any standard you want. The chances of it being discovered without an accident are below 1%, and the consequences the FAA will bring to bear will consist of a letter saying "Stop doing that" that unless you are hauling passengers for hire, will go unmonitored and unenforced. The only power the FAA has over us as with regards to private operations is the power we volunteer to them.
Flight review, medical, annual, etc. I'm sure most of us have known someone who has decided to dispense with all that paperwork... :dunno:
Flight review, medical, annual, etc. I'm sure most of us have known someone who has decided to dispense with all that paperwork... :dunno:

I know far more than 'someone'... I know people who learned from their pappy and have flown all their life with no need of no FAA.
Re: BFR Worthless

FWIW, I would rather fly with boobs any day over a DPE. Well, over practically anything for that matter.

:confused::confused::confused: Some of my best and most fun flights have been with DPEs. My ME checkride (2 actuall since we had to discontinue due to weather) was the most solidly education packed flight I ever had. Betty was a wonder of information and knew my Travelair like the back of her hand. My MES ride in the BE-18 was a lot of fun as well just because Hell, how can you not have fun with an unloaded 900hp plane on floats making round engine noise.:lol:
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