Fatal crashes and tail numbers recycled


Pre-takeoff checklist
Oct 1, 2012
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I have the bug to buy something else and one thing I do before calling the seller is to try and find out as much as I can about the plane of interest, much to my surprise the plane I am looking at was involved in a fatal mid air long ago, it was a head on collision, between a Piper and Mooney the Mooney had two crew and both died.

The Piper lost one of the landing gear and had further substantial damage upon landing, the pilot was uninjured.

The questions are, would you buy that Piper no matter how nice it was, knowing the history of a mid air collision and the deaths of the Mooney crew.

Leave DH out of this, it has more to do with the event of a mid air and tail numbers.

Would you buy a plane where the N Number had been attached to a fatal crash or any crashed airplane? , the Mooney tail number is on a Beechcraft F33 now.

What say you?
Doesn’t matter. I’d be more concerned with the damage history.
Maybe I am weird but I believe in ghosts and spirits :confused:
I lived in a haunted house before and wouldn't want a haunted plane... Just sayin.
It’s like buying a house that the last family was murdered in the house. Or it was the home of a previous serial killer?? Might be a great deal or in a great school district. But creepy
Looked at the history for a Warrior. Was involved in two fatals. The first one involved someone slipping on the wing and cracking his head. The second one, the plane actually crashed.

And then there is the submarine mooney.
On the other hand, what are the odds of it having a second midair?

Having a second midair is not my worry.
My worry would be flying solo at night and something in the backseat taps you on the shoulder.
I had a buddy that bought a Hummer that was a year old from his buddy dirt cheap. The problem was the sellers brother shot and killed himself in it. I told my friend not to buy it and he was crazy. He didn't believe in ghosts.
Well he owned it 1 month and it got sold! He stopped parking it at his house until it was gone. All he told me is he didn't enjoy driving it alone at night out in the country :(
Many years ago had a part time job flying a 206 for a company in southern Mississippi. Flew it to Oklahoma to pick up someone from the company that had died in an accident. Flying back at night with the stiff on board above a cloud deck on a moonless night at times it did feel creepy. I think if I had felt a hand on my shoulder I'd been out the door!
Oh, hell yeah. If I can get a number I want, eff the history! Ghosties in the toasties be damned!

There is a certain number I wanted, tried to contact the heirs of the owner, no luck. The number went back into the public domain, a clearing house claimed it with some fancy programming. I asked, they wanted several thousand for the number! No thanks!
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I'm sorry, but I'm another that doesn't believe in anything supernatural, at all.

My decision would be entirely based on the fit of the airplane to my requirements and objective data. The only subjective part is how purrrty the paint job was.
Well they didn't die in the piper so go for it.

8 years ago the house a mile or so down the road had a home intruder. Inturder broke in..home owner got In a tussle and lost his gun to the intruder. Intruder got home owners gun and killed him. Home owner's friend came down stairs and shot and killed intruder in the house. 2 deaths and I thought this is our chance for this 100 year old home. It went up for sale and first day we put in an offer, first day! Someone already had an offer in before us. Come to find out intruder was an acquaintance of the home owner.

What I'm saying is, it wouldn't bother me one bit. Go for it if you like the plane.
Well they didn't die in the piper so go for it.

8 years ago the house a mile or so down the road had a home intruder. Inturder broke in..home owner got In a tussle and lost his gun to the intruder. Intruder got home owners gun and killed him. Home owner's friend came down stairs and shot and killed intruder in the house. 2 deaths and I thought this is our chance for this 100 year old home. It went up for sale and first day we put in an offer, first day! Someone already had an offer in before us. Come to find out intruder was an acquaintance of the home owner.

What I'm saying is, it wouldn't bother me one bit. Go for it if you like the plane.

The old lady that died in the house I used to rent made it VERY well known that she was still there. Some really freaky stuff went on.
I never believed until I lived in that house.
The old lady that died in the house I used to rent made it VERY well known that she was still there. Some really freaky stuff went on.
I never believed until I lived in that house.

I believe you...Ive had some freaky stuff happen to me. Im probably lucky I didn't get that house for more reasons than that. Being over 100 years ain't no telling what them walls have seen!

In this case nobody died in the piper so if rather be in that plane..its occupants came out fine.
"There are more things in Heaven and Earth . . . than are dreamt of in your philosophy"

Walk away, even if the N number and/or the plane aren't haunted - your subconscious knows what you know, and might eff with you. It's just bad JuJu.
So many people have died in so many places on this planet orbiting the sun. Maybe we really should go make a colony on Mars where we don't KNOW of any humans dying - although I suspect that will quickly erase that statement.
“We'll take the house. Honey, the chances of another plane hitting this house are astronomical. It's been pre-disastered. We're going to be safe here.”
“We'll take the house. Honey, the chances of another plane hitting this house are astronomical. It's been pre-disastered. We're going to be safe here.”

I read that book a year or two before the movie came out. Book was much better.
It’s like buying a house that the last family was murdered in the house. Or it was the home of a previous serial killer?? Might be a great deal or in a great school district. But creepy
I live in a murder house. As ghosts don't exist, no problem, not creepy.
I’m surprised this many pilots are this irrational.
My Starduster wore an N-number formerly assigned to a Mooney that suffered a fatal crash. Didn't bother me.
Wondered about this. What number do you provide for "Souls on board?"

Only the living ones. In the comments section add dead bodies and number of.

Many years ago had a part time job flying a 206 for a company in southern Mississippi. Flew it to Oklahoma to pick up someone from the company that had died in an accident. Flying back at night with the stiff on board above a cloud deck on a moonless night at times it did feel creepy. I think if I had felt a hand on my shoulder I'd been out the door!

I have carried several bodies in the past. Not a single one ever woke up and tapped me on the shoulder.!! :lol::lol:

The weirdest one was in Alaska. The guy knew he was about to die, so he positioned himself in a sitting position, then passed and froze. To get him back into town all we did was strap him into a seat.
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I once carried an organ donor who was still on life support but brain dead. Since I had been expecting to carry a live patient, I had included him in the passenger count. I didn't change it.
I had one weird experience.
I was flying in "difficult" conditions when I heard a voice say "Use the force, Luke."
No, wait. That was a movie.
Never mind.
I had one weird experience.
I was flying in "difficult" conditions when I heard a voice say "Use the force, Luke."
No, wait. That was a movie.
Never mind.
You used to bullseye womp rats in your T-16, didn't you?
News flash. Cessna 150 crashed into a cemetery. They're currently at 25 dead and the body count is increasing.

Isn't that a punchline from a Pollack joke? No offense taken...it's pretty funny.
No such thing as ghosts. It’s just superstitious foolishness.
No such thing as ghosts. It’s just superstitious foolishness.
I will say this, you guys or y'all depending, must have ADD, the posts get off topic fast. but are pretty funny, thanks for the humor, but it still give gives me the willies

I was 18, a brand new commercial ticket, ink still wet, I was given the task to fly a body to somewhere in a brand new V35 Bo

In went the stretcher, with the body covered by a sheet only, off we went, and dang if that dead person did not fart and belch air the whole flight.
The old lady that died in the house I used to rent made it VERY well known that she was still there. Some really freaky stuff went on.
I never believed until I lived in that house.

Ok, now you have to tell us what freaky stuff happened.
Ok, now you have to tell us what freaky stuff happened.

Everyday when I got home from work the air was turned down as cold as it could go... I would breathe frost.
Shower turning on by itself.
Cabinets slamming in the middle of the night.
It always felt like someone was standing behind you.
When I moved in the house I did not know anyone died there. My mother found out a really strange lady lived and died in that house.
We got a priest over with holy water...
The weird thing was if I see haunted house movies I always say hell no! I would be out of there!
I never really thought about moving. It was creepy but I lived there awhile.
After the priest came all the weird stuff stopped. Shortly after that her son sold the house and I built the one I live in now.