FAR's:Tricky,Favorites,Most Hated?

That's simply because his being here is a big No No IAW my PMI.

It is in direct "Conflict" with FAA Policy to represent the FAA on any web page not authorized by the Administrator.

So he hides. My PMI's statement was "He is a Phony or a FAA employee trying to get fired"
PMI? People's Mujahedin of Iran? What would they know about it?
The FAA rules I both dislike and understand the reasons for are those that describe what maintanance can be done by a private pilot (14 CFR 43 ?), and what parts should be used (depending on the type of aircraft- experimantal amatuer built don't have these rules) . I feel the cost of aviation could be decreased if these rules were relaxed, but some people would take it too far.

As for the FAR vs CFR thing, I took a single law class (so I'm by no means an expert)where the laws were cited as XX CFR YY.zzz so perhaps the government is following some standard? People would call the rules "FAR" when the book is titled "FAR/AIM".
PMI? People's Mujahedin of Iran? What would they know about it?
Primary Maintenance Inspector, the guy at FSDO that really is a FAA employee, that I depend upon for accurate information, about any thing FAA related.

He reads these pages.
The reference I made was for standardization within the agency. If a letter is generated with a regulation reference it must be in the form of 14 CFR Part **** and not "FAR **.***".
I would expect formal references to regs to use the formal legal citation. But your post appeared to suggest that there was something "wrong" with referring to the FAR as the FAR. And that's silly.

btw, I'm still waiting for
Got a reference to anything even quasi-official that says anything about either of these pieces of silliness?
I would expect formal references to regs to use the formal legal citation. But your post appeared to suggest that there was something "wrong" with referring to the FAR as the FAR.

Nope, I was simply giving a pointer to help the OP with his law class.

btw, I'm still waiting for

So far all I have are internal documents referencing this. If I find the public ones I'll be happy to give it out.

And that's silly.

Your opinion.
So far all I have are internal documents referencing this. If I find the public ones I'll be happy to give it out.

I've noticed a trend, you can only post what can be gotten on line, never any thing internal to the FAA.
I've noticed a trend, you can only post what can be gotten on line, never any thing internal to the FAA.
Yep- many (most?) work places are like that. Internal information is released through proper channels.
Yep- many (most?) work places are like that. Internal information is released through proper channels.

The way it was explained to me was, if you are an FAA employee, you are always an FAA employee every where you go. Every thing you say and do reflects upon the FAAs credibility.

So, they do not want anyone on pages/blogs like this one saying any thing that is not lawyerized and approved.

The authorized access to the Data the FAA has is at FAA.GOV.
The way it was explained to me was, if you are an FAA employee, you are always an FAA employee every where you go. Every thing you say and do reflects upon the FAAs credibility.

So, they do not want anyone on pages/blogs like this one saying any thing that is not lawyerized and approved.

The authorized access to the Data the FAA has is at FAA.GOV.
Again, this the way it works in most work places. That's probably why W&R doesn't post a link unless it is publically accessable, and why he can't post a PDF or a JPEG of a memo (please note this is a guess of mine- I can't speak for him).

As for this XX CFR YYY.zzz thing, I mentioned earlier in the thread that I thought that was the standard method for looking up fed regulations, used by attorneys (I had a single law class so I'm no expert- but I note none of the attorneys on the board have called me on it as yet), probably easier to look it up in a place like here using the standard notation: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/browse/collectionCfr.action?collectionCode=CFR
Again, this the way it works in most work places. That's probably why W&R doesn't post a link unless it is publically accessable, and why he can't post a PDF or a JPEG of a memo (please note this is a guess of mine- I can't speak for him).

I'm starting think differently, because he has made the statement that he could find all the 337s I submitted, and couldn't, which should have been an easy do for a real FAA employee. They are all on file with the FAA. but he doesn't know where to look.

Plus there are several other occasions that he has made statements that aren't right for a FAA employee.

If he really is a Federal worker he does not present the face the FAA would like to see.
I'm starting think differently, because he has made the statement that he could find all the 337s I submitted, and couldn't, which should have been an easy do for a real FAA employee. They are all on file with the FAA. but he doesn't know where to look.
Assuming they were filed properly.

Plus there are several other occasions that he has made statements that aren't right for a FAA employee.
And I've seen some statements that make me question if someone claiming to be an A&P really is an A&P.

If he really is a Federal worker he does not present the face the FAA would like to see.
Your opinion.

I read, perhaps incorrectly, from your recent posts that's he's a liar. Making accusations like this isn't the way to prove it. Get a proper citation to back it up. Perhaps the better thing to do is just let it go.