Excellent photo of a superb aviator in flight

Skip Miller

Final Approach
Feb 22, 2005
New York City
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Skip Miller
Nice. Owls rule!! Eagles and hawks get a lot of the glory, but these guys really do some tricky flying under the canopy... they are terrific hunters.
The only critter I've ever dinged with my car was a barn owl- it was swooping across a rural road at dawn as I came around a corner- caromed off the top of the hood. Probably after a mouse or something.
I stopped to look, feeling bad and thinking that killing an owl could be really bad karma or something for a pilot... it was alive, and apparently no major damage. But it was stunned... eyes closed, but working its beak and claws. It let me gently open its wings to check them... they looked OK. No blood anywhere.
It was beautiful, with some very impressive talons.
It was in the grass off the shoulder, so I left it there, not knowing where I might bring it for first aid, especially at that hour.
Came back a few hours later and it was gone... I hope it just shook it off and flew home; there was no sign that a cat or dog got to it, but who knows?
What a great photo, thanks for sharing it!

If you believed in reincarnation, would you want to come back as a bird, even if it meant you ate rodents? I think I would...
Mr. Lang did shoot an incredible picture. The owl's wingspan is most impressive. Bet he can glide a mile.