Ever forgot the keys...

I keep the ignition key in the plane. The key to the hangar is on my key ring. Every once in a while, like when my wife picks me up after a commercial flight, I'll want to stop by the hangar in my wifes car and find I'm without a key. Never a big deal as I live 5 miles away and can make another trip.
Club planes are simple. Combination locks on the hangar doors. Keys typically hanging from the Kollsman knob on the altimeter (or sitting on the glare shield). I've never been locked out. Now, could I forget the card key to get through the fence? I could, but it's in my flight bag with all the other crap I take with me when I go flying. The worst inconvenience would be to leave it in the pocket of the flight bag before leaving home. Then I'd have to get out of the car to retrieve it to open the gate at the airport.

Maybe I just haven't been flying enough to have forgotten it yet. I need to get my back fixed so I can regain my medical and go fly. July 20 last year was too long ago. :mad:
Club planes are simple. Combination locks on the hangar doors. Keys typically hanging from the Kollsman knob on the altimeter (or sitting on the glare shield). I've never been locked out. Now, could I forget the card key to get through the fence? I could, but it's in my flight bag with all the other crap I take with me when I go flying. The worst inconvenience would be to leave it in the pocket of the flight bag before leaving home. Then I'd have to get out of the car to retrieve it to open the gate at the airport.

Maybe I just haven't been flying enough to have forgotten it yet. I need to get my back fixed so I can regain my medical and go fly. July 20 last year was too long ago. :mad:

Our club used to do that, until a former member walked in an open hangar door and "helped himself" to an airplane for a few days. Now the club keys sit in a separate lockbox each member opens and close.
You tie your plane down inside the hangar?