Eatin good tonite!


Touchdown! Greaser!
May 20, 2009
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Right Seater
These just went on the Big Green Egg.
The plan is to give Leslie the bigger one. The smaller one will be plenty for me and Leslie will eat less than half. I'll get the other half for lunch tomorrow.


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Are those short ribs? I tried grilling them before. Didn't work out very well.

Edit: Never mind. I see what you are doing there.
Are those short ribs? I tried grilling them before. Didn't work out very well.

Edit: Never mind. I see what you are doing there.
They are the ribs that usually get cut into short ribs, but I asked the butcher not to cut them.
The mistake most people make is cooking them too long. That is worse than not cooking them long enough. Too long and they dry out and get chewy again. The trick is to cook them long enough to get tender but not long enough to dry out, and to use a "Texas Crutch" when they reach about 160f.

I'll try to post after-pictures, but I'm usually so hungry by time they come off that there only bones left when I think about pictures.
AT the 2hour (+ a little) mark. Ready to be wrapped and put back on the smoker.

We had a light snack for lunch because we plan on a big, early supper.


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Ok, they are done. They were very good. But they were not as good as the ribs I remember getting in a little shack in Oklahoma many years ago.

This might sound weird, but there was too much meat and too little rib. The ones I remembered had a huge rib that you could pick up and gnaw on like an ear of corn.

The huge chunk of meat on these came right off the bone and it was like eating roast beef. Maybe I didn't cook them long enough, or too long, but I don't think that was the problem. I think I just like ribs with more rib and less meat. One of these filled up both of us with leftovers. The other one is waiting to be eaten tomorrow.


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They look pretty good to me. I agree that there is "too much" and "not enough" in terms of cooking time. I did beef backribs too much and they were crispy critters for my first smoker attempt. But they had no meat on them. And I crispified some short ribs on the grill. Not long enough, too high of heat. But the short ribs I do in the crock pot are super good. Put them over a bed of sliced onions, dowse them with wooster sauce, and five hours on low and they are perfect.

From your description, "like eating roast beef" does that mean tough, or tender? Sounds good to me. I like more meat than bone, but I don't like boneless either.

I have done uncut short ribs like that before too and liked them. But not quite as meaty as yours.
They look pretty good to me. I agree that there is "too much" and "not enough" in terms of cooking time. I did beef backribs too much and they were crispy critters for my first smoker attempt. But they had no meat on them. And I crispified some short ribs on the grill. Not long enough, too high of heat. But the short ribs I do in the crock pot are super good. Put them over a bed of sliced onions, dowse them with wooster sauce, and five hours on low and they are perfect.

From your description, "like eating roast beef" does that mean tough, or tender? Sounds good to me. I like more meat than bone, but I don't like boneless either.
They were tender and tasty, but it was just a big slab of meat. It was like a good roast beef, but not what I call "ribs". The ribs came of clean with no meat. The meat had no bones to chew on. (Leslie hates it when I chew on the bones, but that is were the best flavors are).
I have done uncut short ribs like that before too and liked them. But not quite as meaty as yours.
There is a new butcher in town. I had to convince him to sell me the "long" ribs. Next time I'll try to talk him into cutting off some back ribs with a little extra meat, but not as much as those plate ribs. He's not cheap, but we finally have a butcher that can do things grocery stores won't.

It's really a shame that I'm getting old and have to reduce the amount of red meat that I eat.
They were tender and tasty, but it was just a big slab of meat. It was like a good roast beef, but not what I call "ribs". The ribs came of clean with no meat. The meat had no bones to chew on. (Leslie hates it when I chew on the bones, but that is were the best flavors are).

There is a new butcher in town. I had to convince him to sell me the "long" ribs. Next time I'll try to talk him into cutting off some back ribs with a little extra meat, but not as much as those plate ribs. He's not cheap, but we finally have a butcher that can do things grocery stores won't.

It's really a shame that I'm getting old and have to reduce the amount of red meat that I eat.
I was inspired to get some short ribs. Short version. Long version, I went to gym #2 which is further away but open 24 hours and I was up early anyway, so I went there and stopped off at store #2 to pick up some short ribs. I didn't quite have enough for my liking. On the way home I realized I forgot to get my morning coffee plus I needed gas too, so I stopped off at store #1 which is next to gym #1 and got another couple short ribs and coffee. I have a total of about 3.6 lbs, but these things are mostly bone anyway so that should be good for two people.

I will braise them in the crock, 5 hours on low. They normally come out super tender, fall off the bone.
Short ribs must be in season. Now to debate kalbi versus tablita.
