E-LSA 50NM Restriction?


Pattern Altitude
Jul 21, 2017
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I'm interested in an E-LSA RV-12. I am reviewing the Operating Limitations and in the Phase 2 section it states:

"All Flights must be conducted within the geographical area described as follows (there may be areas within the geographical area that are not suitable for operation and may include ingress/egress routes). 50 MILE RADIOS OF BASE AIRPORT KGTF ! (44)"

Aside from the "RADIOS" misspell, I don't have experience with experimentals, but this is something which I would have thought would be in the Phase 1 limitations? Is a 50 mile operating restriction common for E-LSA's?

If it's a mistake, how much of a pain is it to jump through the hoops to obtain new Operating Limitations?

Are you sure that's not a Phase 1 restriction?
Are you sure that's not a Phase 1 restriction?


Page 3 of 4 of the OL doc ends with:

-- End of Phase 1 section --

Page 4 of 4 of the OL doc starts with:

-- The following limitations apply during Phase 2 Operations.

The above limitation I quoted is on Page 4 of 4 below the above phrase...
Is there a way to contact them and ask if that is a cut & paste error?

Contact the FAA or the seller? The seller sent me a pictures of the actual OL doc printed on FAA letterhead with the DAR's signature. I'm guessing it was a mistake and should have been under Phase 1, but IDK, thus my questions?

I have heard that people have received changes to OL's, but I have also heard that once OL's are issued that they are set in stone. I thought about contacting the FAA, but since it's not my aircraft I don't think it would be within my prerogative to do so. I could contact the FAA with a "hypothetical" question but was hoping someone on here would have experience/knowledge with this...
Sounds like a cut and paste error on the part of the DAR. The nearest FSDO can fix it.
Normally, to change the OLs you have to apply for a new airworthiness certificate, since the OLs are part of the AWC. In this case of an obvious mistake, maybe they can just fix it. Either way, the FSDO has to handle it
That aircraft didn't work out for a few reasons, but I'm purchasing a different E-LSA RV-12 that had a different OL's issue. The DAR that originally generated the OL's and Airworthiness Cert fixed it for the owner and sent the owner updated OL's...