Drilling Hole for Roll Pin

SoCal 182 Driver

Cleared for Takeoff
Sep 11, 2019
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SoCal 182 Driver
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Please take a look at my very crude drawing below. What I have is basically two tubes, with one sliding over the other. The smaller (inner tube) is pre-drilled for a 1/8" roll pin that is intended to go through the outer tube, both walls of the inner tube, and then out the other side of the outer tube. The roll pin then secures the outer tube to the inner tube.

The problem I have is that the outer tube is not pre-drilled for the roll pin. Can anyone tell me how to mark the outer tube so I can drill it?

roll pin diagram.jpg
with a sharpie?

Very helpful, thanks. :nono:

So I slip the outer tube over the inner tube. Mark the inside of the outer tube with the aforesaid Sharpie. I'm dealing with 1/8" roll pins, so not a lot of margin of error. How do I transfer the mark from the inside of the outer tube to the outside with enough precision that everything lines up?
Do you have access to a mill or drill press and a machinist's vise? 1/8 drill in the mill/press, put the inner tube in the vise with the hole-end canitlevered and position it so the drill aligns with the hole when the quill is lowered. Slide the outer tube over with the proper edge distance and clamp/hold in place. As long as nothing shifts the drill should still be aligned with the inner hole so lowering the quill and drilling the outer hole should align with the inner hole.

who beats to fit and paints to match
Can anyone tell me how to mark the outer tube so I can drill it?
How critical is the position (depth) of the inner tube in relation to outer tube? If its within an 1/8" lay the inner tube next to the outer tube and mark the hole position. Then drill only one side of the outer tube. Slide the inner tube into the outer tube and line up the holes then insert your drill through the outer hole and both inner holes and finish drilling.
How critical is the position (depth) of the inner tube in relation to outer tube? If its within an 1/8" lay the inner tube next to the outer tube and mark the hole position. Then drill only one side of the outer tube. Slide the inner tube into the outer tube and line up the holes then insert your drill through the outer hole and both inner holes and finish drilling.

Very helpful. Thank you!
Do you have access to a mill or drill press and a machinist's vise? 1/8 drill in the mill/press, put the inner tube in the vise with the hole-end canitlevered and position it so the drill aligns with the hole when the quill is lowered. Slide the outer tube over with the proper edge distance and clamp/hold in place. As long as nothing shifts the drill should still be aligned with the inner hole so lowering the quill and drilling the outer hole should align with the inner hole.

who beats to fit and paints to match

Given what's involved, it will be difficult (if not impossible) to put the inner tube in a vice on a drill press. The outer tube can be set-up on a drill press, however. The trick is to mark it.
Best tool is a bridge port with proper vices and measurement equipment plus proper tooling. There are so many ways to do this if you don’t have that, just not quite is good. Would be helpful to know what you have to work with.
Figure out how deep you want the inner tube into the outer tube and mark that hole distance on the outer tube with a sharpie. Now use a center punch to mark the location. Lock the tube in place and drill one hole in one side only being certain to be centered and straight with the drill (a press would be better).

Then slide the inner tube in and align the hole you just drilled with the hole in the inner tube. A drill bit should then be used through those two holes and the into the hole in the inner tube on the far side. This will align the last hole. Drill straight and carefully! If possible use a slightly smaller drill bit and then a reamer for a more precise fit as most drill bits will not drill a perfectly round hole ...
Two ways I've done this, but not sure either fits for your application

Method 1: Drill 1 hole in the outer, anywhere. Insert the inner tube and line up the hole. Drill through the outer hole and inner tube on the other side.

If you're worried about scarring the inner tube, put an oiled roll pin in to act as a guide and use a smaller drill bit that fits inside the roll pin to drill a pilot hole. Remove the roll pin and drill from the outside.

Method 2: Mark one hole. Use calipers to transfer the mark to the other side, making sure you're perpendicular. Drill holes.

With care, either result should be to the German standard - gutenuff.
Tape strip of paper to the tube, mark hole on the paper, lift paper, slide second tube in place, overlay paper, make a dimple with a punch.

Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best. Thank you!
Put the tubes in desired final position. Drill a hole anywhere you desire through the entire assembly. Install the roll pin in the hole you just drilled. Forget there are unused holes on the inside tube.

drink scotch.

Pull back until the plane lands. Drink scotch. I think Bell206 nailed it.
Is this for a seat?