DOG is my Co-Pilot


May 6, 2013
Santa Cruz, CA
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Many I know have asked about the origin of my Puppy's name Pax. PAX in Latin means a "time of peace"...which DOES NOT at all describe this dog! Rather being in aviation Pax earned his wings today and lived up to his namesake as "passenger". DOG is my copilot!


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I also learned today that puppy farts in the cockpit are noxious!
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I took my dog for his first airplane ride a couple of weeks ago.

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I took my lab flying and you never saw anyone (anything) so unimpressed. Laid down on the back seat, was asleep before takeoff. Slept through the whole flight. It was as if she was thinking, "This is a REALLY noisy car, but if you're going, I'll go too."
Many I know have asked about the origin of my Puppy's name Pax. PAX in Latin means a "time of peace"...which DOES NOT at all describe this dog! Rather being in aviation Pax earned his wings today and lived up to his namesake as "passenger". DOG is my copilot!

He's good with the camera, too, love the shot out the passenger side.
I also learned today that puppy farts in the cockpit are noxious!

One of the many reason's Ron Levy appreciates the Grumman design. The ability to open the canopy a small amount while in flight quickly ventilates the cabin of any canine SBD's
My dog goes. Planes, boats, snow machines.... she goes.


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Did a pilots n paws run this weekend. This cute lil feller enjoyed the mooney flight as much as I did (both of our 1st time in a mooney!).



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I also learned today that puppy farts in the cockpit are noxious!

Oh yes they are! And the faster you climb the more explosive they are.:lol: However, in a high performance twin I found you can climb fast enough to explode all the fleas as you can depressurize faster than they can. First time after I flew Sadie I was petting her and it was like ashs were falling off of her. I looked closer and they were exploded fleas.
Oh yes they are! And the faster you climb the more explosive they are.:lol: However, in a high performance twin I found you can climb fast enough to explode all the fleas as you can depressurize faster than they can. First time after I flew Sadie I was petting her and it was like ashs were falling off of her. I looked closer and they were exploded fleas.

Sadie was very happy, I'll bet. Wish I knew about this trick when dog(s) and I lived in Houston. Horrible for fleas (and water roaches). Used to pick fleas off the dog every evening, couldn't use the flea dip more than once a month. Hated it, so did the dog.

Moved to Colorado, no more fleas! Dog very happy within the first week!
Did a pilots n paws run this weekend. This cute lil feller enjoyed the mooney flight as much as I did (both of our 1st time in a mooney!).

Link worked. Great looking Labrador! Somebody is gonna be a lucky dog owner!
My dog goes. Planes, boats, snow machines.... she goes.

The hearing protection... how did your dog handle those at first and how long to adjust?

I ask because I flew a few times with my dog and he is now deaf. He is also 12 years old so it may be age-related also. But it sure seemed to onset rapidly. Doc examined his ears and didn't find anything remarkable. So I'm left wondering if the airplane rides accelerated or directly caused his hearing loss. Or had nothing to do with it. I now use sign language with my dog.. and he can hear my whistles if he's nearby. :dunno:
This dog never had an objection to the Mutt Muffs. She's happy to see them because it means she get to go flying, and flying is usually followed by a boat ride, 4 wheelers, and fishing. My last dog was deaf toward the end but he had lots of hours doing lots of cool stuff and I don't think we had anything to feel bad about. I figured if I could extend this dog's hearing I may as well try.

This is why I fly.


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Great pictures, guys, keep 'em coming!!

I only wish my 4-legged dumbaff figured out that airplanes are not scary. The dipskit won't even get into my truck or convertible. He used to love riding in the back seat with the top down. I think he's just becoming senile at his age.

In all my rescue dog transports for PnP, I only had one dog release two SBDs that took a few minutes to leave the cabin. It was absolutely horifying, nearly tear-inducing. *cough* And that was only at 3,500' so the urban myth about farts coming out due to lower air pressure is poop. (pun intended) Heck, my passengers or myself don't release any noxious gases during trips, even at high altitudes.

evertheless, keep posting pictures of canine co-pilots, they are simply awesome!
"Dude" will go anywhere as long as he can get petted.


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"Dude" will go anywhere as long as he can get petted.

Your co-pilot isn't watch for traffic! :D
This is my baby that passed away in April, she loved to ride in anything, cars, trucks, boats, airplanes, as long as we were going, she wanted to go to!
Your co-pilot isn't watch for traffic! :D
This is my baby that passed away in April, she loved to ride in anything, cars, trucks, boats, airplanes, as long as we were going, she wanted to go to!

Dude is useless. Adorable but useless. In that picture he was lying on the fuel selectors as well, requirement to hoist him off to change tanks.
My boy dog gets car sick. He ain't going in any airplane I have to clean.

Speaking of cleaning, getting dog hair out of the upholstery must suck balls.
My boy dog gets car sick. He ain't going in any airplane I have to clean.

Speaking of cleaning, getting dog hair out of the upholstery must suck balls.

It's pretty easy, a quick scrub with a brush and hot soapy water, then hit it with a wet vac works well to overall spruce up an interior and get all the crud and hair up pretty simply.
If my dog sees water, she jumps in the water. Wet dog is SOP. I made my interior to suit such things. No back seats, easy to clean sidewalls, and industrial rubber mat flooring. If you think a dog is a problem? Drag a dead caribou or moose into the plane. I don't care how careful you are, it's gonna be messy.
My boy dog gets car sick. He ain't going in any airplane I have to clean.

Speaking of cleaning, getting dog hair out of the upholstery must suck balls.

My solution is a Poodle. He doesn't shed.
So I ordered a copy of Dog is my Copilot off Amazon, a used one for a coupl'a bucks. Turns out it's a library book. WTF?!?