Does a weather app/website like this exist?


Final Approach
Aug 12, 2012
Danger Zone
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I often use sites like weather underground to get a 10 day forecast for my departure location, destination, and a couple points in between to see how likely it is I might be able to make a flight on a particular day/days.

The problem is trying to flip through 3 or 4 pages comparing 3 or 4 days gets confusing. I could open up 4 browser windows but that's also kind of irritating..

I'd like something that would give me a simple grid... the 10 days of the forecast across and then going down all the different cities I'm looking at. Seems like something that might exist, just never seen it.

If not I might want to add it to the list of things I should try to code up next time I've got a ton of free time.
I used to look at that site along with others when planning my XCs, and found it to be highly inaccurate, to the point where I stopped using it after a while.

I've had better luck with, but the sample size has been way smaller.

The reason I like it is forcasted ceilings.
Very hard to find a site predicting ceilings and presenting it in a simple way.

Checking out your link now
The reason I like it is forcasted ceilings.
Very hard to find a site predicting ceilings and presenting it in a simple way.

Checking out your link now

Windity does that too (and is more accurate in my humble and limited opinion).

One really neat thing about Windity are the winds aloft depictions and projections that are helpful for picking the best route and altitude.

(And no, I'm in no way affiliated with them).

I know it's not at all what you were thinking, but it does have sky cover and wind.

They don't go as far out as you want, but absolutely nothing besides a random number generator will. You can't forecast aviation weather to anywhere near 10 days out.

These can be assembled into a grid using the thumbnail if you want. Here's the one for Palo Alto:
(and it will update continuously).

And FYI, "seeing" is a measure of turbulence.
Last edited: is interesting... but the interface could use some work