Diligence part 2


Final Approach
Dec 31, 2012
Lincoln NE
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Often the o'l cardinal sits in the hangar for a week then flys 2 or even 8 hours over the weekend, so I usually come out the night before the big day and make sure its ready to go. I've never really found anything that required further investigation until... I hit the right wing sump and cannot get any gas out of it. Shoot! The tank is about half full :(

Pop the tank filler cap and look in the tank and find nothing unusual, hit the sump again and eureka! Now I'm thinking there was a vacuum in the tank and I didn't hear the "whoosh" sound when removing the cap.

C177's have two fuel tank vents, one in each wingtip that exit just outboard the aileron straight aft. I grab an 18 inch San Antonio handcuff (plastic zip tie) and find resistance when pushing it into the vent line about 6 inches in.

I seems pretty obvious at this point and I take off the wingtip which hides a union that connects the last 16 inches of vent line that runs through the tip fairing to the rest of the system and blow out the offending blockage. Then I checked to see if the rest of the vent line is open.

Sure feeds more even now :lol: with the selector on "BOTH"
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It's the small clues that hint to something that is not right.

Gald you took the time to figure it out and ack on it!