Different address on airman cert and medical


Touchdown! Greaser!
Sep 9, 2013
Long Island, NY
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Hey all, being a cheap pilot, I’m not about to spend $2 on a new airman cert to reflect my new address. I have my medical scheduled next week and plan on using my new address when I fill out MedExpress. Anyone have any issues with different addresses on different documents. I’ve already notified the FAA about my address change.
Hey all, being a cheap pilot, I’m not about to spend $2 on a new airman cert to reflect my new address. I have my medical scheduled next week and plan on using my new address when I fill out MedExpress. Anyone have any issues with different addresses on different documents. I’ve already notified the FAA about my address change.
As long as it's correct on the airmen info site, you're good. I still have my old address.
I have had a different addresses on my certificate and medical for at least 16 years.

The FAA knows my current address, which is different that what is on my certificate.

Save that 2 bucks and take your wife out somewhere expensive to eat, not the airport...
All you have to do is notify the FAA of your current address within 30 days. What's printed on your certificate is meaningless.

This is so the FAA knows where to send the violation notices to.
Save that 2 bucks and take your wife out somewhere expensive to eat, not the airport...
