Desperately seeking hangar space KERV or T82


Pre-takeoff checklist
Jul 4, 2013
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Anyone know of someone willing to sub-lease, give up or about to vacate their hangar space at either Fredericksburg T82 or Kerrville KERV airports? Already on their waiting lists which apparently move at glacial speed.
So you want to find a way to jump to the head of the line? Does not sound very fair to me.

Tony T.
(Who just waited 4 years for a hanger to open up after moving.)
So you want to find a way to jump to the head of the line? Does not sound very fair to me.

Tony T.
(Who just waited 4 years for a hanger to open up after moving.)

Life isn't fair, get over it.

And if you'll take off your judgemental hat for a second, you might consider a post like this might, just might, uncover a hangar occupant that is on a foreign or out of town assignment, between planes, down for extended maintenance, repairs, updates, etc, lots of other possibilities. Thanks for the post though, helpful.
You did not ask for a temporary solution. You asked for a permanent solution. You specifically asked for someone that was vacating a hanger to sub-lease it to you instead of turning it back to the airport. Putting yourself above the person on the top of the list whom should get it.
Your response actually shows that you don't care about anyone but yourself.
Play by the rules and get on the list and wait it out like everyone else.
Tony T.
Don’t know where these airports are, but go talk to the FBO or airport managers, and I mean don’t email or text, talk. A lot of things open up when you talk to people. Worked for me a couple of months ago in Atlanta area
Don’t know where these airports are, but go talk to the FBO or airport managers, and I mean don’t email or text, talk. A lot of things open up when you talk to people. Worked for me a couple of months ago in Atlanta area
Last time I got a hangar it was because I'd been talking to the manager. When I told him I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly I got in he said I'd kept emailing him so he knew I'd be interested and jump on it. Apparently a lot of people on that list don't really want a hangar (or don't want one anymore) so going down the list can be a big waste of time. Be top of mind.
Anyone know of someone willing to sub-lease, give up or about to vacate their hangar space at either Fredericksburg T82 or Kerrville KERV airports? Already on their waiting lists which apparently move at glacial speed.

Like said go talk to the FBOs in person...often.
4 years ago there was several hangars available at my airport. I moved from one hangar to another about 3 years ago.
Now all the hangars are full with a waiting list.

Good luck with your search.
Don’t know where these airports are, but go talk to the FBO or airport managers, and I mean don’t email or text, talk. A lot of things open up when you talk to people. Worked for me a couple of months ago in Atlanta area

They’re smaller airports in the Texas Hill Country west of Austin. T82 is one of the best places to fly into for a weekend or a meal. They have the Hanger Hotel and the Diner right there. Fantastic airport. You can take an Uber into town where they have breweries, distilleries, and wineries.

KERV is the home of Mooney. I haven’t spent any time in Kerville and can’t really attest to what they have there.

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Thanks for the reminders guys that the squeaky wheel method works (been doing that somewhat, will turn up the volume though) and that eyeball to eyeball is still one of the best forms of communications. I'll see what I can turn up.
I know that at some airports the waiting lists are just for show. They'd rather the hangar go to someone who is going to be part of the flying community at the airport and not just looking for a place to park an airplane.

Get involved at the airport, join the local EAA chapter, show that you're willing to volunteer and be a part of things. You might just be surprised the next time a hangar opens up.
Anyone know of someone willing to sub-lease, give up or about to vacate their hangar space at either Fredericksburg T82 or Kerrville KERV airports? Already on their waiting lists which apparently move at glacial speed.

Talk to the local EAA chapter, their members will have several hangars tied up.