"Couples" counseling


Final Approach
May 3, 2011
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Ok, pardon my ignorance but I want to make sure all ducks stay in line.

I would imagine that the counseling that Angie and I must take before we can be married her church is a FAA non event as it will be taken with clergy not a doctor. Am I right or way off base here?
You are correct. It goes unreported.

When the pastor asks if you believe in God, the afterlife, heaven, h_ll and the redemption, "You say YES!".....
So, if you hit on your flight instructor and she slaps you with a restraining order, is the subsequent counseling to regain your self esteem considered couples counseling? Not for me... Just trying to help out a possible situation described in another thread.

Congratulations, BTW
Ok, pardon my ignorance but I want to make sure all ducks stay in line.

I would imagine that the counseling that Angie and I must take before we can be married her church is a FAA non event as it will be taken with clergy not a doctor. Am I right or way off base here?
I always thought it odd that marriage counseling in the catholic church was given by a supposedly celibate lifelong bachelor.
The key word being "supposed".

When I was a senior in high school our "sex education" teacher was a priest. I always wanted to ask him just WTF he knew about the subject but the resulting suspension probably wouldn't have looked good on my college applications.
I always thought it odd that marriage counseling in the catholic church was given by a supposedly celibate lifelong bachelor.

I agree. Of course, it's not just the catholic church that requires that. I know at least the Episcopal church required it a few years back the first time around I was engaged. I suppose you could say it worked since it helped me realize some problems, end the relationship, and then marry someone who's perfect for me some years later. :)
You are correct. It goes unreported.

When the pastor asks if you believe in God, the afterlife, heaven, h_ll and the redemption, "You say YES!".....

Well, only say that IF you believe....otherwise you go to hell for lying! :yes: :D
Well, only say that IF you believe....otherwise you go to hell for lying! :yes: :D

In that case, why are you getting married in a church? ;)

Mayor Dennis O'Keefe of St. John's, Newfoundland, performed our ceremony.
Keep in mind that Catholic priests are required to be celibate. They're not required to be virgins. And there are other professionals giving marriage counselling who have never been married, or suck at it.
In that case, why are you getting married in a church? ;)

Mayor Dennis O'Keefe of St. John's, Newfoundland, performed our ceremony.

Because its FREE!

We plan to do this thing for less than a lot of you guys pay for annuals (13 month maintenance intervals if you're Tom D)
Keep in mind that Catholic priests are required to be celibate. They're not required to be virgins. And there are other professionals giving marriage counselling who have never been married, or suck at it.

Sex before marriage is a sin. Divorce is a sin.

How does a priest get around that?
Because its FREE!

We plan to do this thing for less than a lot of you guys pay for annuals (13 month maintenance intervals if you're Tom D)

That's what we did, too. :)
Importance of Original Knowledge

Principle #1: Don't trust retellers, get hold of the original sources.

A new monk arrives at the monastery. He is assigned to help the other monks in copying the old texts by hand. He notices, however, that they are copying copies, and not the original books.

So, the new monk goes to the head monk to ask him about this. He points out that if there was an error in the first copy, that error would be continued in all of the other copies. The head monk says, "We have been copying from the copies for centuries, but you make a good point, my son."

So, he goes down into the cellar with one of the copies to check it against the original. Hours later, nobody has seen him. So, one of the monks goes downstairs to look for him. He hears sobbing coming from the back of the cellar and finds the old monk leaning over one of the original books crying. He asks what's wrong.

"The word is celebrate not celibate," says the old monk with tears in his eyes.
Sex before marriage is a sin. Divorce is a sin.

How does a priest get around that?
This is not germain to a medical thread but there are (or were recently) married Catholic priests. A wife of a priest was one of my medical school professors. A few Episcopal priests were allowed to immigrate (or whatever you call it) to the Catholic church back in the 1980s.

Finally, concerning married Episcopalian clergy becoming Catholic priests, "the Holy See has specified that this exception to the rule of celibacy is granted in favor of these individual persons, and should not be understood as implying any change in the Church's conviction of the value of priestly celibacy, which will remain the rule for future candidates for the priesthood from this group." http://www.ewtn.com/library/ANSWERS/MARPRIE.htm
I always thought it odd that marriage counseling in the catholic church was given by a supposedly celibate lifelong bachelor.
Having gone through it for my upcoming marriage I can say it isn't conducted by celibate bachelors. It is conducted by 2 married Catholic couples. The preist freely admits he doesn't know the day to day intricacies of marriage beyond the spiritual significance.

Though that 99% effective Natural Family Planning stuff they recommend will seem rather ... um ... interesting.
We flew to the Hitching Post in Coeur de Alene Idaho. I think all in (including 100LL) it was less than 500 bucks.


My flight instructors parents were married there just after WWII, they lasted 60 something years, they do good work. Didn't come with a warranty though.
We were just there! (for a visit)
Having gone through it for my upcoming marriage I can say it isn't conducted by celibate bachelors. It is conducted by 2 married Catholic couples. The preist freely admits he doesn't know the day to day intricacies of marriage beyond the spiritual significance.

Though that 99% effective Natural Family Planning stuff they recommend will seem rather ... um ... interesting.
When my wife and I planned to get married at a Catholic church, that was not an option. Turned out to be moot, though, since we got married outdoors and the Catholic church does not allow that. So we called 1-800-ipreach and got a generic clergy for it.(This was before Google.)
By being married and then widowed is one way.

By going to confession after the premarital sex and getting forgiven is another.


Paying a lot of money to the church for an annulment is another...


BTDT...well not me but wifey has.

It's expensive sometimes to have your sins forgiven.
I always thought it odd that marriage counseling in the catholic church was given by a supposedly celibate lifelong bachelor.

I believe it was a former Secretary of the Interior, Wally Hickel, who got in a lot of hot water for saying, "You no playa the game, you no maka the rules!". I believe he was forced to resign his office for that remark.

Pre-marital counseling is not confined to the Catholic church. My wife and I were married in the Presbyterian church and we had several counseling sessions with our minister beforehand. Useful stuff about budgeting and the like. I recall one session was while we went fishing with him. Mr. Pearson was a wonderful man and is greatly missed by those who knew him. Oh, and the counseling must have worked as we're still married 40 years later. :D
My wife and I were also counseled by a pastor in the Presbyterian Church. We stumbled on the little study guide/question book that was simply a bunch of practical questions about life as a couple mixed with a little spiritual teaching this summer when we were moving. It was stashed away in the basement.

There were boring questions as simple as "Who does the dishes?" to tough stuff like "How would you handle raising a developmentally challenged child?" And "What are your expectations of yourself if your spouse becomes disabled, and what would your expectations be of them?" And even simple stuff like, "Have you discussed a budget? Who will be responsible to pay the bills, balance the checkbook, and track finances?"

All of it was designed to get love-birds talking and their heads just slightly down out of the emotional clouds for a bit. No big deal. Presbyterians at the time had a rule that if you were being married by a personal pastor friend (we were) that if at all possible your counseling should happen with a pastor who had no personal interest in the wedding.

We did it with a Jr. Pastor at the same church and he ended up having interesting insights we'd have never thought of. Ironically or interestingly he just happens to be the Sr. Pastor of a church only a few miles from our new house now, and we've considered at least stopping over for a Sunday service to say hello. We've run into him over the years and he's still a wonderfully levelheaded person and thinker and will engage in any topic one might ever like to discuss. He even visited Karen's dad in the hospital after his stroke this year and from a purely "business" point of view he's not pastoring at any churches her family or mine attend at all right now. He lives a long way out here in the country now too. He was always big on visiting the sick and when he heard, he drove the 50 miles or so and just did it. Super person, really.

He used to have a vice: Thai food. I'll have to see if he still enjoys it as much as he once did. It'd be my honor to take him to lunch.
Nate, that is exactly what we expect, and well, we've been doing it for a few years already, well the money and dishes bits, not the disability or kids bit.
"How would you handle raising a developmentally challenged child?"

Would this be a question posed to Angie as the pastor looks out of the corner of his eye at Dunc?

Lol, wish I'd been able to make it up, but a door blew open on one of our planes and goobered up the hinge, so I was in a T hangar at MGY reriveting the thing, at least I got to fly the 19nm from HAO
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