Corvette kills Cessna in Spanish Fork...

Not saying this is what happened, but what if they shut down the airplane on the taxiway to "Give those drag racers something to think about so maybe they will take it elsewhere."? I could absolutely see that happening.

A "I'll show them" attitude has no business in aviation. No way. No where. No how.
Who was winning the race? I'd guess the 'Vette, but depending on which Porsche, it might have been close.
First of all we're reading a news report written by who knows what about aviation? There could be any number of reasons what they vacated the aircraft on the taxiway it could be because the pilots saw 2 sets of headlights coming at them FAST. So far all we know is there was an incident at this airport involving a Corvette and airplane. According to AirNav there are no instrument approaches or control tower at U77.
I'd guess the hull carrier on the airplane would pay-out, and the subrogate against the corvette driver (his liability would be on the hook), but separate litigation may be needed to recover the hull deductible.

Hopefully not. My auto insurer subrogated against an at-fault party and recovered my deductible (and their original payout). I hope an airplane insurer would provide the same service.
Hope the guy who hit the plane got charged with more than just reckless driving.
So, they shut down the aircraft on the taxiway to check the NAV lights for a night flight? I would think the pre-flight would have included that.

"The airport will ensure nothing like this happens again."
Translated: we're going to make life miserable for all other hangar tenants here.

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"just" reckless? The standard of proof (willful and wanton disregard for property or life) is overwhelmingly clear in this situation, and a reckless ticket is about as serious as a DUI in most states and to most insurers. The driver's life will become less comfortable as this matter proceeds to civil litigation (motivated by the insurance carriers).

Yes...JUST reckless. In Utah it's a frickin' B Misdemeanor..that's absolutely not good enough.

Should be a felony at LEAST. They were at an airport and hit a PLANE. Hope the judge throws the book at them.
Hope the guy who hit the plane got charged with more than just reckless driving.

A friend of mine that is LE tells me that contest of acceleration is now a felony in Texas even without an accident or going over the speed limit.
A friend of mine that is LE tells me that contest of acceleration is now a felony in Texas even without an accident or going over the speed limit.

That's what I'm talking about...the way the article is written though and based on Utah's definition of penalty of "reckless driving" doesn't sound like enough..

Don't know what it is here in FL, but we get a bit of that every now and again. Lotta cycles that like to lane-split on Go Pros too..