Coolest thing you saw at Oshkosh?


Final Approach
Apr 24, 2012
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Brian Flynn
Ok, so the dust is settling...I suspect by now the last stragglers are leaving or getting the hairy eye about still being around and cleanup is underway.

Question - what was the coolest thing you saw at Oshkosh? The bestest, gee wiz, golly that's neato kind of thing?
I thought meeting bflynn was pretty cool ;)

For me, probably watching my Young Eagles ground coordinator receiving the Young Eagles Ground Volunteer of the Year award. Also meeting some folks from online that I hadn't met before.
Airbus A350 demo. They looked like they were trying to impress the crowd, rather than phoning it in like Wagstaff, Clark and the F-22 crew.

Second coolest was Jim Weir giving away his parking pass. :wink2:

Leslie's jambalaya and the home brewed beer (my apologies for not remembering his name). :)
Not aviation related, but cool as hell. Carbon fiber bodies of 62 Corvette on a 2002 Corvette frame and engine. Modern brakes, AC, 350HP, modern steering. What's not to love? Maybe the $87K price tag? Oh! And you have to supply the donor car.

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Here is a 58 body on a 2004 Corvette frame. Just cool as hell.

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When I used to work in classic cars one of my bosses daily drivers was a 53/03 Corvette. 50th anniversary special, made to look like the original. It was a cool car, but I liked his ACTUAL 53 vette better (yes, 1 of 300 made)

I **BEG** your pardon, sir. Except for Jay and Mary's HOPS party I stayed fully dressed for the whole show.

We're you nekkid AGAIN? Damned left-coasters, always stripping at the drop of a hat... lol

For me, the Top 5 Coolest Things at OSH were:

1. Seeing old friends that I only see at OSH. Every year is sweeter, and it gets harder to say goodbye.

2. The Icon. The first truly new thing in GA for years. I want one!

3. The F-35 and F-22 parked together. I've never been so close to so many billions of dollars.

4. Five (!) Corsairs on the ramp at the same time. And the Mosquito. And the last flying Privateer.

5. Our new "GOA" (God's Own Awning), a professional-grade 10' x 20', heavy duty steel-poled awning that gave us enough shelter in the North 40 to be truly comfortable. We now have something to shelter under if it storms -- which is quite the opposite from the last few decades. (I can't tell you how many times we've been drenched "saving" the cheap, Walmart-grade awnings from blowing away! lol)

Man, I could keep going. There were so many amazing homebuilt aircraft (a FULL SCALE SPITFIRE!), beautiful antiques (the Bleriot was amazing), the tribute to Howard DGAs, etc.

The only regret of the week? My son, who had attended 21 in a row, missed the convention for the second time in the last three years, thanks to Army commitments. It's just not the same without my boy, but it was still a terrific week!
Watching my granddaughter drill, de burr and rivet herself a name tag at Kid Venture. She said, "I want to build a RV10"!
Waiting for my IFR release on departure, I looked across at the intersection across from me and there was "Aluminum Overcast", the EAA B-17 waiting for clearance.
When I used to work in classic cars one of my bosses daily drivers was a 53/03 Corvette. 50th anniversary special, made to look like the original. It was a cool car, but I liked his ACTUAL 53 vette better (yes, 1 of 300 made)


That thing's awful!
The night airshow and fireworks were down right awesome!! Im not sure any other airshow will be as cool now.

Meeting Jay and Mary was cool. First POA'ers Ive ever met. Its a shame I missed the HOPS party though. Ill be there next year.

The airbus demo was pretty sweet too..awe heck, the whole experience was awesome.

The worst part...Major Goolseby at the vintage café where I spent $19 for a diet coke, a bacon cheese buger with nothing but meat, cheese,bacon, and mayo, and fried cheese curds. What a rip off!
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Working Flightline Ops at the threshold of Runway 18 on Saturday, I had the opportunity to marshal the F-22 Raptor. We had to move cones to allow the Raptor to take the runway. He fired up and took off when we were a mere 30 yards away from him. I felt my heart and lungs vibrating in my chest, and my ear plugs were inadequate. It was friggin awesome!!!!!!
Airplanes, airplanes and more airplanes.

Very fun meeting people, clothed or in the flesh. Dont believe what anyone else tells you, the N40 is just one big swap club.

I belive Dana brewed the beer.? Fantastic Belgium ale.
We were all laughing that 'screaming sasquatch' was most likely conceived over mass quantities of spirits. :lol:
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We were all laughing that 'screaming sasquatch' was conceived over mass quantities of spirits. :lol:

Actually that was one of the coolest things there. The airplane and the noise don't "match" and you stand there thinking, "WTF???" LOL. Very cool.
Airplanes, airplanes and more airplanes.

Very fun meeting people, clothed or in the flesh. Dont believe what anyone else tells you, the N40 is just one big swap club.

I belive Dana brewed the beer.? Fantastic Belgium ale.
Yes! Dana's beer rocked. :)

We had beer from ~20 different states at the HOPS Party. It was (*burp*) freaking awesome!
We were all laughing that 'screaming sasquatch' was most likely conceived over mass quantities of spirits. :lol:

That thing is just not right....loved the commentary during the show saying it had been reinforced...I imagine...
so your social manors are improving with age? :D

Well, I guess a "social manor" is a house where you throw parties, but as to my social manners, the reason I mostly stay fully clothed was an offer I had to appear on the Playgirl calendar this year.

Seems they wanted me for Mr. February, that being the ... um ... shortest month and all ...

It was good seeing Rotax bringing out a bigger engine. Also was happy to buy a long awaited section for my Brightline work bag.
We were all laughing that 'screaming sasquatch' was most likely conceived over mass quantities of spirits. :lol:

Or by watching Jimmy Franklin's routine 15 years ago.

My favorite moment was standing maybe 75 yards from the departure end of 18 when the F-100 kicked it into afterburner before releasing the brakes.
There was also this little Amphib which I had seen before a long time ago in France with a smaller motor on it. Nice to see they've matured the design and have been making them down in Brazil. I scheduled a visit to the factory and a flight in it during one of my long São Paulo layovers ;


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The airbus was surprisingly large up close. It dwarfed the B-52.

The doors on it look like they're about three stories up.

Makes me wonder if the ramps they use at most airports will even service it ... ?
The airbus was surprisingly large up close. It dwarfed the B-52.

The doors on it look like they're about three stories up.

Makes me wonder if the ramps they use at most airports will even service it ... ?

Yea , but can the Airbus carry 20 air launched nuclear cruise missiles? I don't think so. ;)
It was good seeing Rotax bringing out a bigger engine. Also was happy to buy a long awaited section for my Brightline work bag.

Don't get me started on the jerks at Brightline changing their bags and not doing anything for the original design owners who made their name a household one. An oft-repeated tale in aviation.
Don't get me started on the jerks at Brightline changing their bags and not doing anything for the original design owners who made their name a household one. An oft-repeated tale in aviation.

I agree. I have one of their late-model original bags - only bought it 2 or 3 years ago, right before their new modular bags came out.

So when they showed up at Oshkosh with their new bags, I thought it would be great to get a water bottle holder to attach to the old bag. No go, they say. Obviously, the engineering must have been too complex to figure out how to attach a water bottle holder on their old bags. :mad: