Contact Departure or Approach

Another place where a TRACon name is out of place is Reno, NV. It's controlled by NorCal, and it's not contiguous with other NorCal airspace. Oakland Center does Lake Tahoe.
Likewise "Cascade Approach" in Oregon. It handles the immediate areas around Medford and Eugene, but not the 50 NM or so inbetween them.
Joshua refers to Joshua Tree, which is in that general area. :D


If you haven't had the opportunity to camp at Joshua Tree, I highly recommend it! Bring a telescope if you can. Some seriously dark sky.
I usually just call them "Radar boy", "Radar girl" or just "Radar person" if they're not talking when I first connect. I sort of say it quickly so they're not sure what they just heard. It doesn't seem to matter what you call them, things seem to always progress normally from that point.
I think sometimes calling "approach" or "departure" cues the controller to what phase of flight you're in and what you're likely gonna ask. Just like new instrument pilots are taught to "anticipate" what the controller is gonna say.
Joshua Tree is more than 100 miles to the southeast of Edwards, on the other side of Palm Springs, and is served by SoCal.

Joshua Approach controls the airspace around and below the R-2508 complex, from roughly Palmdale north.

Another place where a TRACon name is out of place is Reno, NV. It's controlled by NorCal, and it's not contiguous with other NorCal airspace. Oakland Center does Lake Tahoe.

Lots of Joshua trees up that way. At least there were when I was at Victorville.
Bono has departed? Thank goodness he's not approaching.