

Touchdown! Greaser!
May 20, 2009
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Right Seater
AFM, PIM, POH, STC, supplements, 337s, W&B (with revisions), ADs . . .

I am trying to gather up all the paper in the great big box of mixed up pieces of information that I got when I bought my plane 2 years ago and put them in order. I think I can throw away receipts for oil changes from 1980 (two engines ago). I also still have operator and installation manuals from transponders that have been replaced and ADF long since removed that I would like to toss. And who cares that the landing light replacement was paid in full in !986.

But I keep getting confused about what I need to keep and what needs to stay with the POH (aka AFM) in the airplane, and what needs to be filed with the Airframe, Engine and Propeller logs.

Related question: The box contains STCs for the PennYan O360 upgrade from the 1980's. This engine has since gone Tango-Uniform and was replaced with a re manufactured O360 from "Certified Engines". Does the old STC still apply or should I have received a new STC? And does the STC for use of Automobile gas that previously applied still apply even through the engine replacement?

Lots of questions, I know. Maybe I should have just asked if there is anyone that provides a service that will go through this stuff and provide me with a an organized (and legal) package.
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Maybe I should have just asked if there is anyone that provides a service that will go through this stuff and provide me with a an organized (and legal) package.
You have record keeping responsibilities as an owner under Part 91. I think you should study them for your own protection (ignorance of the law is no excuse), then take all the 'stuff' to your mechanic for annual inspections. Have the mechanic provide the service you asked about, after you understand your legal requirements. Many mechanics favor a certain record-keeping system for their clients. Might as well use that one.
