Commercial Training/Practical changes?


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Feb 5, 2015
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So, I need some help here. I'm getting some conflicting information from instructors and i'm a little confused on the subject.

Back in April, FAA removed the requirement for complex airplane to be used in the practical test. Great! Wish they did it a few weeks earlier(waisted 14 hours in an expensive Arrow), but still great. The 10h training requirement stayed. Not so great: needed 4h more dual time in Arrow. But i switched to Cessna 172S(steam). Way cheaper and way more familiar.

Now, starting in late August (, they are allowing Technically Advanced Aircraft(TAA), G1000 and alike, to be used for training instead of or in conjunction with complex. Excellent! Takes care of my Arrow problem since i have lots of training time in G1000 airplanes.

What i'm confused about is if the Practical Test requires TAA or if steam Cessna is ok . This would make me have to yet again switch the aircraft to DA40 since we don't have G1000 Cessna here.
61.129 describes an experience and training requirement before you are eligible to take the practical test. The commercial practical test does not require a complex, TAA or turbine airplane.