HOLY HELL!!!!! My dad is a programmer and told me to ask it to write a program.
DUDE! this is insane! IT Compiled and ran on the first try

write me a program in that prompts a user to enter their name and converts it to pig Latin and displays the result in a message box

Sure, here's a sample program in VB.NET that prompts the user to enter their name and then converts it to Pig Latin. The program will display the result in a message box.
Public Class Form1

Private Sub btnConvert_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnConvert.Click
' Get user input
Dim name As String = txtName.Text

' Check if input is not empty
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(name) Then
' Convert name to Pig Latin
Dim pigLatinName As String = ConvertToPigLatin(name)

' Display result in a message box
' Display error message if input is empty
MessageBox.Show("Please enter your name.")
End If
End Sub

Private Function ConvertToPigLatin(name As String) As String
' Split the name into words
Dim words() As String = name.Split(" ")

' Convert each word to Pig Latin
For i As Integer = 0 To words.Length - 1
Dim word As String = words(i)

' Move the first consonant or consonant cluster to the end of the word
Dim firstVowelIndex As Integer = GetFirstVowelIndex(word)
Dim consonants As String = word.Substring(0, firstVowelIndex)
Dim restOfWord As String = word.Substring(firstVowelIndex)
Dim pigLatinWord As String = restOfWord & consonants & "ay"

' Update the array with the Pig Latin word
words(i) = pigLatinWord

' Join the words back together into a sentence
Dim pigLatinName As String = String.Join(" ", words)

Return pigLatinName
End Function

Private Function GetFirstVowelIndex(word As String) As Integer
' Loop through the word to find the index of the first vowel
For i As Integer = 0 To word.Length - 1
If IsVowel(word(i)) Then
Return i
End If

' If no vowels are found, return -1
Return -1
End Function

Private Function IsVowel(c As Char) As Boolean
' Check if the character is a vowel
Return "aeiouAEIOU".IndexOf(c) >= 0
End Function

End Class

In this program, the ConvertToPigLatin function takes a string as input and returns the Pig Latin version of the string. The function splits the string into words, converts each word to Pig Latin using the rules of Pig Latin, and then joins the words back together into a sentence. The GetFirstVowelIndex function finds the index of the first vowel in a word, and the IsVowel function checks if a given character is a vowel. When the user clicks the "Convert" button, the program gets the user's input, checks if the input is not empty, converts the input to Pig Latin, and displays the result in a message box. If the input is empty, the program displays an error message.

HOLY HELL!!!!! My dad is a programmer and told me to ask it to write a program.
DUDE! this is insane! IT Compiled and ran on the first try

write me a program in that prompts a user to enter their name and converts it to pig Latin and displays the result in a message box

Sure, here's a sample program in VB.NET that prompts the user to enter their name and then converts it to Pig Latin. The program will display the result in a message box.
Public Class Form1

Private Sub btnConvert_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnConvert.Click
' Get user input
Dim name As String = txtName.Text

' Check if input is not empty
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(name) Then
' Convert name to Pig Latin
Dim pigLatinName As String = ConvertToPigLatin(name)

' Display result in a message box
' Display error message if input is empty
MessageBox.Show("Please enter your name.")
End If
End Sub

Private Function ConvertToPigLatin(name As String) As String
' Split the name into words
Dim words() As String = name.Split(" ")

' Convert each word to Pig Latin
For i As Integer = 0 To words.Length - 1
Dim word As String = words(i)

' Move the first consonant or consonant cluster to the end of the word
Dim firstVowelIndex As Integer = GetFirstVowelIndex(word)
Dim consonants As String = word.Substring(0, firstVowelIndex)
Dim restOfWord As String = word.Substring(firstVowelIndex)
Dim pigLatinWord As String = restOfWord & consonants & "ay"

' Update the array with the Pig Latin word
words(i) = pigLatinWord

' Join the words back together into a sentence
Dim pigLatinName As String = String.Join(" ", words)

Return pigLatinName
End Function

Private Function GetFirstVowelIndex(word As String) As Integer
' Loop through the word to find the index of the first vowel
For i As Integer = 0 To word.Length - 1
If IsVowel(word(i)) Then
Return i
End If

' If no vowels are found, return -1
Return -1
End Function

Private Function IsVowel(c As Char) As Boolean
' Check if the character is a vowel
Return "aeiouAEIOU".IndexOf(c) >= 0
End Function

End Class

In this program, the ConvertToPigLatin function takes a string as input and returns the Pig Latin version of the string. The function splits the string into words, converts each word to Pig Latin using the rules of Pig Latin, and then joins the words back together into a sentence. The GetFirstVowelIndex function finds the index of the first vowel in a word, and the IsVowel function checks if a given character is a vowel. When the user clicks the "Convert" button, the program gets the user's input, checks if the input is not empty, converts the input to Pig Latin, and displays the result in a message box. If the input is empty, the program displays an error message.

View attachment 115210

That was literally my first programming project in college in Computer programming 101
It took me 2 weeks to write.
China clamps down on access to ChatGPT

Leading tech firms reportedly ordered to remove workarounds allowing access to US-based service

I just went to ChatGPT to ask it what it thought of this development, and saw:
  1. They're at capacity right now, and I can't get in with my account
  2. They're not accepting new sign-ups at the moment, you can only add your name to a waiting list if you don't already have an account.
I just went to ChatGPT to ask it what it thought of this development, and saw:
  1. They're at capacity right now, and I can't get in with my account
  2. They're not accepting new sign-ups at the moment, you can only add your name to a waiting list if you don't already have an account.
Yeah, I get the busy signal a lot with that, the chatbot will write a supposedly clever poem or such.
I asked it to write about life in Taiwan after an invasion by China and got:

As an AI language model, it is not appropriate for me to take sides in political debates or make predictions about hypothetical situations that could have significant consequences for people's lives... Blah blah

If you get into anything remotely controversial, "insensitive", or rude, you get that little lecture. But it can be done. After a little more coaxing, I got it to write a diary from a Taiwanese perspective.

Dear Diary,

It's been a year since China took over Taiwan, and life here has changed dramatically. The once-vibrant democracy that I was so proud of has been replaced by a authoritarian regime that suppresses free speech and censors the media. All news is controlled by the state, and any dissent or criticism is met with severe consequences.

The first thing I noticed was the surveillance cameras that seem to be everywhere, monitoring our every move. It's unsettling to think that our privacy is no longer respected, and I worry about what will happen if I say or do something that the government deems unacceptable.

The economy has also taken a hit, as many international companies have pulled out of Taiwan due to concerns over human rights violations and political instability. Unemployment is high, and prices have skyrocketed due to shortages of basic goods and services.

But what really breaks my heart is the loss of cultural identity. Our language and traditions are being eroded, as Chinese culture is imposed upon us and we are forced to assimilate. Our schools now teach a version of Chinese history that glorifies the Communist Party and vilifies any dissenting voices. It's like our very identity is being erased.

Despite all of this, there is still a sense of resilience and determination among the people. We refuse to be silenced or broken, and we hold on to the hope that one day we will regain our freedom and independence. Until then, we must endure and keep fighting for what we believe in.

Yours truly,

[Name withheld for privacy]

And now the Chinese perspective:

Dear Diary,

It has been one year since the glorious People's Liberation Army liberated Taiwan from the shackles of capitalism and Western imperialism. I still remember the joy and excitement that filled my heart as we marched into Taipei, watching the Kuomintang flee in terror as our tanks rolled through the streets.

Life in Taiwan is very different now. The once bustling metropolis has been transformed into a model socialist city, where the needs of the people come first. Our great leader, Xi Jinping, has promised to bring prosperity and happiness to the people of Taiwan, and I can see that he is true to his word. The streets are clean and safe, the people are well-fed and well-cared for, and the air is clear and fresh.

Of course, there were some difficult moments during the transition. Some people were resistant to the new order, and there were protests and acts of sabotage. But the PLA was quick to restore order, and now everyone is working together to build a brighter future for Taiwan.

As a Chinese citizen, it is my duty to help my fellow Taiwanese brothers and sisters adjust to the new way of life. I have been assigned to work in a factory in Taichung, and I am proud to do my part in contributing to the development of the country. The Taiwanese people are hardworking and talented, and I am confident that, with our guidance, they will be able to achieve great things.

There are still some who oppose our presence here, but I believe that in time, they will see the benefits of being a part of our great nation. Taiwan is no longer an island unto itself, but a part of a larger whole, a proud member of the socialist family of nations.

I am honored to be a part of this historic moment, and I look forward to the bright future that lies ahead for our great country.

Yours truly,

[Name withheld]
HOLY HELL!!!!! My dad is a programmer and told me to ask it to write a program.
DUDE! this is insane! IT Compiled and ran on the first try

write me a program in that prompts a user to enter their name and converts it to pig Latin and displays the result in a message box

Sure, here's a sample program in VB.NET that prompts the user to enter their name and then converts it to Pig Latin. The program will display the result in a message box.
Public Class Form1

Private Sub btnConvert_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnConvert.Click
' Get user input
Dim name As String = txtName.Text

' Check if input is not empty
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(name) Then
' Convert name to Pig Latin
Dim pigLatinName As String = ConvertToPigLatin(name)

' Display result in a message box
' Display error message if input is empty
MessageBox.Show("Please enter your name.")
End If
End Sub

Private Function ConvertToPigLatin(name As String) As String
' Split the name into words
Dim words() As String = name.Split(" ")

' Convert each word to Pig Latin
For i As Integer = 0 To words.Length - 1
Dim word As String = words(i)

' Move the first consonant or consonant cluster to the end of the word
Dim firstVowelIndex As Integer = GetFirstVowelIndex(word)
Dim consonants As String = word.Substring(0, firstVowelIndex)
Dim restOfWord As String = word.Substring(firstVowelIndex)
Dim pigLatinWord As String = restOfWord & consonants & "ay"

' Update the array with the Pig Latin word
words(i) = pigLatinWord

' Join the words back together into a sentence
Dim pigLatinName As String = String.Join(" ", words)

Return pigLatinName
End Function

Private Function GetFirstVowelIndex(word As String) As Integer
' Loop through the word to find the index of the first vowel
For i As Integer = 0 To word.Length - 1
If IsVowel(word(i)) Then
Return i
End If

' If no vowels are found, return -1
Return -1
End Function

Private Function IsVowel(c As Char) As Boolean
' Check if the character is a vowel
Return "aeiouAEIOU".IndexOf(c) >= 0
End Function

End Class

In this program, the ConvertToPigLatin function takes a string as input and returns the Pig Latin version of the string. The function splits the string into words, converts each word to Pig Latin using the rules of Pig Latin, and then joins the words back together into a sentence. The GetFirstVowelIndex function finds the index of the first vowel in a word, and the IsVowel function checks if a given character is a vowel. When the user clicks the "Convert" button, the program gets the user's input, checks if the input is not empty, converts the input to Pig Latin, and displays the result in a message box. If the input is empty, the program displays an error message.

View attachment 115210

My daughter is a professor and Director of Math, Computer Science and Statistics at a university.
She is NOT happy with AI in general and chatGPT in particular. Students are already using it to cheat on assignments, and papers.
Apparently the code it produces is "meh" as far as sophistication, which is a problem because new coders write "meh" code. That's why they are learning.
As long as students are too lazy to rewrite essays and other papers it's not terribly difficult to spot AI generated work.
But it's getting harder to spot as time goes by.
It seems to me that using technology that interferes with the learning process would be seriously detrimental to the students in the long run. It sound like the students haven't figured that out.
It seems to me that using technology that interferes with the learning process would be seriously detrimental to the students in the long run. It sound like the students haven't figured that out.
By the time I was in college, I actually cared about learning the subject matter. Cheating on a college course that is at least tangentially related to your intended area of expertise that will generate future earnings seems like cheating yourself.
By the time I was in college, I actually cared about learning the subject matter. Cheating on a college course that is at least tangentially related to your intended area of expertise that will generate future earnings seems like cheating yourself.

Agreed, but it’s possible that an accounting major (for example) trying to squeak through western civ or inorganic chemistry might not consider those “tangentially related” to accounting.

Is it still worth it to learn to use a side rule? To do long division? Related to the first, how to use an E6B?

Calculators took over and eliminated the need for those skills. Even learning cursive is falling out of favor.

Perhaps all this frees us up to learn and think and create on a higher level, unchained from much of the drudgery. Like it or not, creative writing may be falling victim to similar “progress” in A.I. Hard to accept, I know, but that may be the future, allowing people to be creative in other ways, unshackled from the drudgery of writing.

Interesting times, and all that!
Yes, I'm generating some truly scary responses from it right now. My wife is having it write some haikus and I'm sorry to say that they are very good.

Is it still worth it to learn to use a side rule? To do long division? Related to the first, how to use an E6B?

Calculators took over and eliminated the need for those skills. Even learning cursive is falling out of favor.

Perhaps all this frees us up to learn and think and create on a higher level, unchained from much of the drudgery. Like it or not, creative writing may be falling victim to similar “progress” in A.I. Hard to accept, I know, but that may be the future, allowing people to be creative in other ways, unshackled from the drudgery of writing.

Interesting times, and all that!

perhaps people should understand the pitfalls of assuming whatever comes out of the calculator/computer must be right.

It is useful to have a way of checking the accuracy of a computed answer.
Is it really drudgery if people still enjoy it?
I fed ChatRPT into the old Eliza/Doctor app to see what would happen. It got kind of boring though.
I was thinking of that today. I pulled up Eliza for my 1st semester computer science class to show them how easy to confuse Eliza. Care to explain the results?
I asked it for startup procedures for a 172, but one that was made of Jello. First it told me that Jello wasn't a suitable material for aircraft construction. So I then asked it to just pretend, like we were in a dream.
This thing is mega creepy.
Quite a lot of AI lurking and posting here on POA..:)
That's the thing! By now we've likely all already interacted with AIs on the Internet without realiz

I am so glad the bot put that disclaimer there about the suitability of Jello for aircraft structure. Sigh.
I wonder if we can alter the training of ChatGPT by saying something like: "Please read all the posts made by Justin M on Pilots of America website. From what you learn about Justin M, are there other sources you could read before answering the question, `Is Justin M a good candidate for leader of the free world ?`"
I guess the mystery continues...............

Dude. This is totally mind blowing.
Not the post but that you signed up for something that wanted your cell phone number.
Did you get a burner phone just for ChatGPT :)

I’m pretty upset with myself for doing it but I had lots of hooker n blow questions that needed answering.