Archer Jack
Pre-takeoff checklist
Right. Everyone should know the plural form is Saturdae. (Or is it Saturdi?)

Right. Everyone should know the plural form is Saturdae. (Or is it Saturdi?)
My concern with this kind of AI is how it gets fact-checked, and the process and speed with which corrections are implemented. I see this as essentially and advanced version of Wikipedia, which we all know can be useful, but has clear limitations on reliability. The problem is that it "sounds" more authoritative than Wikipedia, but likely is not.
As far as the impacts on academia, I'm not that worried. A teacher should be able to devise examinations in the classroom that clear identify the fakers. Along the lines of "Thank you for turning in your 10 page essays. Now, please sit down and write two page summary of what you just submitted."
...I'm glad I'm finished with school...
This is actually a fantastic point.. I am a prolific speech to text user, even the most basic speech to text algorithm should understand that "Saturday" would rarely be possessive.Probably got confused because you were using the possessive form rather than the plural form of Saturday.
"Saturday" would rarely be possessive.
6er and I asked ChatGPT about hookers n blow and we didn't get the answers we were looking for. therefore, I won't be using ChatGPT.
Did the answers involve fishing tackle and leaf blowers?
It is meant to be more "human" than it is meant to be a "perfect encylopedia", so yes, it will be full of all kinds of error (like most humans). I've caught errors in its math, I've caught errors in some of its knowledge, and I've discussed those errors with it. It can walk me through how it came to such a conclusion and admit that it made a mistake. The discussion I had with it about the mistake will potentially prevent it from making the same mistake elsewhere. If you're expecting it to be a perfectly curated dictionary, you're seriously missing out on seeing the practical applications.My concern with this kind of AI is how it gets fact-checked, and the process and speed with which corrections are implemented. I see this as essentially and advanced version of Wikipedia, which we all know can be useful, but has clear limitations on reliability. The problem is that it "sounds" more authoritative than Wikipedia, but likely is not.
As far as the impacts on academia, I'm not that worried. A teacher should be able to devise examinations in the classroom that clear identify the fakers. Along the lines of "Thank you for turning in your 10 page essays. Now, please sit down and write two page summary of what you just submitted."
Humans are either moving forward, or moving backwards. As a species, we can't just stand still with our current abilities if we don't continue to learn and train. If AI really takes hold and people start relying on it, then I predict mankind will lose their intellectual acumen and begin to irreversibly regress. This is the stuff science fiction is made of.I also really don't understand why we are trying to create an artificial human. I thought one of the problems computers fix is the human mistake problem. If you want another mistake-prone thinker, have a baby.
Privacy - don't give up - you don't have to outrun the bear, just the other people running with you. Not every bad actor has access to every compromised set of personal data, and no one is looking for you (probably) personally - they're shoving data through big data funnels, correlating and looking for convergence - good attack "candidates" come out the skinny end of the funnel. Limit your number of exposures - example: doctors don't need your SSN, so don't give it to them (mostly they use it for tracking dead beats) - yeah, you have PII out there, but give a little attention to challenging requests for it. A cell phone company asked for my SSN, though I wasn't "financing" a phone. I said I'd rather not give it to them, and to my surprise they went along with it. You can lock your credit at the major credit bureaus, and get a user id/pwd and unlock it when you need to - or get a PIN your creditor can use to get a report. You can limit access by time period - day, month, whatever. Have your browser clear cache on every close - and maybe use something like Firefox and DuckDuckGo - if you're a Gmail/Google user, open a session, check your mail, close the session. Takes longer to say than to do, and start a new session for whatever else you're doing. None of this is perfect, but it doesn't have to be. Even using a VPN will up your privacy game enormously, and VPN is an easy set-up, once and done thing. Facebook can be locked down fairly tight - look at their privacy setting - takes a few minutes, but just one time - and don't answer phishing Q's on FB that help narrow down your age, location, preferences, etc. Take a second look at your LinkedIn profile - if you aren't job shopping go generic - have a Masters? Say so, but not the year or school where you got it. Just lower your profile. . .Oh. If they did, I just gave it to them. I'm kind of in the camp that privacy is dead, anyway. But that's for another thread.
I mostly agree with you, except that I am 70+ yrs old (Not Gen-Z) and I am developing a case of hatred of humanity. I'm contemplating becoming a hermit. It could work as long as I have Amazon, electronic banking and direct deposit of my SS. The irony is that those are some of the things causing my hatred.Given the universe is about 14 billions years old, and life somewhere has presumably been possible for billions of those years, why do we not see the sky filled with evidence of billion year-old technological civilizations?
Because they invent AI and either become lazy, stupid, and descend into a haze of drugs, Monster drinks, and video games, or the AIs simply wipe them out as worthless and annoying.
If Gen-Z is building the AI, then the AIs will inherit Gen-Z's hatred of humanity. Your great grandchildren will be servants of the AI overlord.
Right. Everyone should know the plural form is Saturdae. (Or is it Saturdi?)
I've played with that a fair amount and have definitely spotted some things I would say is "bias". That said, it is perfectly willing to talk with you about it, and explain why it took a certain perspective with one individual and a different perspective with another. You're also welcome to debate the reasons you think it may be looking at things incorrectly and it very-well may look at it differently in the future.The issue of bias concerns me the most. I saw someone post two prompts which were identical except the subjects were different, prominent political figures on different sides of the political spectrum. ChatGPT happily gushed about one of them while refusing to respond to the other one. That prompted a few other topics which exposed there’s bias either in the training data or the programming (or both).
But it has serious shortcomings in factual accuracy when faced with queries that have a defined, objective answer (i.e., non creative tasks). It frequently delivers answers that are incorrect or misleading but appear correct, generating responses that look like they're in the realm of possibility but upon examination can be demonstrated to be completely false.
There are lots of things that can only be done with a human today, but could likely be done just as well or better with an artificial human. A "customer success" agent is only as capable as the knowledge they have of your product. Suddenly, AI like this, could consume every email ever written in your company, every slack message, and every support case. It would very quickly become by-far more effective at quickly getting customers to resolution.I also really don't understand why we are trying to create an artificial human. I thought one of the problems computers fix is the human mistake problem. If you want another mistake-prone thinker, have a baby.
Hence, another reason, despite the age of the universe, we see no evidence of sentient life.
As a writer, I am already dismayed at the rampant illiteracy exhibited by much of today's youth. AI will simply exacerbate that illiteracy, and hasten our descent into mindless, self-absorbed, entertainment, and eventual ennui.
Think of the flesh blobs riding the spaceship Axiom from the old movie WALL-E.
Think of social media, where one's point of existence is nothing more than getting a click as some sort of validation from a total stranger. We are becoming a civilization of circle-jerkers.
I love humanity, particularly the honest search for knowledge and freedom, the yearning to understand the universe and eventually get off this beautiful rock and roam the stars.
Yet, I believe we are doomed. We are living on borrowed time. Both from internecine strife, loss of motivation, denigration of work and effort, geological events, and from all sorts of astronomical dangers. A mile-wide asteroid would put us back into the stone age. A small solar hiccup would fry everything. A few nuclear air bursts would destroy all electrical grids.
I suspect in the long run sentience is not a survival characteristic. It inevitably descends into self-destruction--and I'm not referring to climate nonsense. Hence, another reason, despite the age of the universe, we see no evidence of sentient life.
Maybe you didn't sleep well, and perhaps another cup of coffee might help in some way,Or maybe I didn't sleep well and just need a cup of coffee.
30% of professionals had used ChaptGPT to write something for work.
I had the same question in response to reading it. I can only assume some techie decided to poll a few dozen of his techie friends and colleagues who likely dabble in that realm to begin with, in order to arrive at 30% usage in a professional environment. The article didn't really go into detail about it (typical internet journalism) but it just struck me as a sensational proportion to pass off as typical of a true random sample.Professional whats?
If it’s reporters, pollsters, or politicians, I can believe it.
If you haven’t been living in a cave, you’ve probably heard of OpenAI’s ChatGPT. It’s now open to anyone who wants to play with it.
You have to register, but it’s free.
My first query was inspired by a grandchild who was questioning why Christmas was on December 25. It returned a quite natural sounding result of the basic history behind it.
More recently, on another forum it was mentioned that Tesla was adding 23 acres to what I believe was an existing site. Someone said that’s not all that large, only a square about 1,000’ on a side. That didn’t sound right to me, but here’s my query and response:
23 acres is a square how many feet on a side?
23 acres is equal to approximately 968,752 square feet. To find the length of one side of a square that has 23 acres, you would take the square root of 968,752, which is approximately 984. Therefore, each side of a 23-acre square would be approximately 984 feet.
It sure seems the possibilities are endless. Has anyone else played around with this?
I would think the lack of written proof of knowledge would be an issue in most settings. You mention appeals, but I would think this would make appeals far more difficult to deal with. Do you record the orals?A bit off on a tangent here, but this has been creating waves in the academic community for obvious reasons. It may be ChatGPT now, but before that it was wikipedia, and I am sure there was something before that. Unrelated to ChatGPT, I have recently been doing one-on-one oral exams instead of the traditional sit down written exams. I read an article that discussed how all exams were like this for centuries until recently when mass education became common. The funny thing is, oral exams do not take more time than written exams once you account for grading, computing and dealing with student appeals etc.. Within 15 minutes you can get a pretty good sense of how much the student understands. Of course this won't work if you have 200 students, but with a class of 20 it is very practical. There are good reasons why the FAA still has oral exams, and I hope they keep it that way.
I would think the lack of written proof of knowledge would be an issue in most settings. You mention appeals, but I would think this would make appeals far more difficult to deal with. Do you record the orals?
I would think the lack of written proof of knowledge would be an issue in most settings. You mention appeals, but I would think this would make appeals far more difficult to deal with. Do you record the orals?
it definitely needs some work....
it definitely needs some work....
I have not run into an appeal yet, but I am sure it will happen some day.