CFI Check Ride - What is it?

Would these time scenarios be the same for renewing a lapsed certificate?
Following. I’ve passed FOI and am working on FIA right now. I’m learning things but how kids actually teach this stuff is still black box to me.

Go take the AGI and IGI tests, then take all three results to the FSDO and get your Ground Instructor Certificate.
Following. I’ve passed FOI and am working on FIA right now. I’m learning things but how kids actually teach this stuff is still black box to me.
my suggestion is to spend time here among other places…look at the questions that are asked on various topics, and how (or if) they’re answered. There’s a good cross section of good/not so good/clear/not so clear. Find the actual references for the correct answers.
Don't see that there is an ACS for CFI check ride. The best I can discern is that it is essentially a Commercial check ride from the right seat, combined with demonstrating that you can teach.

The oral part would demonstrate your lesson plan and teaching knowledge in addition to the Commercial aviation knowledge.

How close is that?
The CFI Check ride is still using the PTS. There is still NO ACS for the CFI. for more, go to the SAFE website. Are you familiar with SAFE? SAFE is the Society of Aviation and Flight Educators. Founded in 2009. Their website is check it out. here is a Link to the blog explaining why there is no ACS for the CFI....
My initial CFI check ride was done in a glider over 40 years ago with an FAA examiner, not a DPE. But it wasn't actually done "in" the glider. The examiner stayed on the ground, watched me do a few maneuvers and land, then asked me to take his son up for a ride, which I did. :)

Times have changed . . .
FAA examiners have more leeway.

Both my Glider check rides (Commercial and GFIG) were FAA, and MUCH easier than my several of my DPE checkrides.