Census - Need advice from POA

Half Fast

Touchdown! Greaser!
May 7, 2016
Central Florida
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Half Fast
I received my 2020 census form in the mail a day or two ago. I was discussing our responses with SWMBO and under "Race" we are in agreement to check "other" but uncertain what to write in the blanks. I need to draw upon the collective wisdom of POA.

Here are options presently under consideration for "Race:"

1) Human
2) Neanderthal
3) Nephilim
4) Time Lord
5) Klingon
6) Romulan
7) Daytona 500
8) Kentucky Derby
9) Bannon

Any preferences? Better suggestions?
I just left it all blank except the number of people. The on-line form seems to allow everything blank if you just click skip again when it whines that it needs an answer.
I remember when the census used to ask important stuff, like how many toilets you had in the house.
I remember when the census used to ask important stuff, like how many toilets you had in the house.

As someone who helped my Mom and Grandmother do a LOT of genealogy research before the internet and helping my wife do some now, it's amazing how useful the old censuses were to understand what life was like for your ancestors. Other questions over time included "do you have a radio?". Unfortunately, the census like so much of our life has become politicized and we and our ancestors will be that much the poorer for it.
My wife was really proud to fill out the census form. Her first one as an American citizen.

I wanted to put stripes for race, other, but I got out voted....
Constitution: Article 1, Section 2. By all means, don't fill out the census. That way others get the representatives. Also, funding for roads, schools, etc. won't go your way.

Adults, 2, 1 Male, 1 Female.

They need know nothing more. Anything beyond that is only for political purposes.
I wrote human
I remember when the census used to ask important stuff, like how many toilets you had in the house.

I was on Guam for the 2000 census. One of the questions asked was whether or not your kitchen was inside or outside of the home.
Adults, 2, 1 Male, 1 Female.

They need know nothing more. Anything beyond that is only for political purposes.

Interesting that they listed two choices for gender. These days, I was expecting fill-in-the-blank......
racecar is racecar spelled backwards. or maybe it's the other way around...….

Yep ... one of many palindromes. I like Weird Al's palindrome song:

BTW ... for race I used Cro-Magnon ...
As a taxpayer, I'd appreciate it if you would complete it in a timely manner, preferably online, so we don't have to spend more of my tax money to pay someone to go out and pester you to complete the stupid thing.
The census site has an interesting page where they document the questions asked each year. The questions haven't changed that much over the decades -they asked about age, race, gender, and personal wealth back in the 19th century. The big change is 2010 when they simplified the form down to just 10 questions. I did the survey online and that's about what it was.
I remember when the census used to ask important stuff, like how many toilets you had in the house.
How many wifi enabled devices in your house? A zillion. That would be today's question. (Heck, our oven is wifi enabled. You can remotely burn the roast.)
Sorry......but all those who gave smart ass answers can probably expect a call and/or visit from a census worker.

Bwaaaa ha ha haw haw ha... Yes, some big bad census worker will show up.

In the last two censuses we got the "long form" (whatever they call it--the one where they ask how many toilets you have and how much credit card debt you carry.) We didn't answer the intrusive questions. Both times they sent nice ladies to our house to explain that our answers were vitally important because they determine where the feds send money, we were required by law to answer, blah, blah, blah. Both times we told them to pound sand, and both times nothing happened. Luckily we didn't get the long form this time.

Bwaaaa ha ha haw haw ha... Yes, some big bad census worker will show up.
In the last two censuses we got the "long form" (whatever they call it--the one where they ask how many toilets you have and how much credit card debt you carry.) We didn't answer the intrusive questions. Both times they sent nice ladies to our house to explain that our answers were vitally important because they determine where the feds send money, we were required by law to answer, blah, blah, blah. Both times we told them to pound sand, and both times nothing happened. Luckily we didn't get the long form this time.

Our tax dollars at work....these census workers are not “big bad”, but they are on the clock on all our tax bills.
Yours is not some high form of Civil Disobedience....what are you accomplishing? :rolleyes:
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. Unfortunately, the census like so much of our life has become politicized and we and our ancestors will be that much the poorer for it.

please explain what changes have occurred in the Census that politicize it.
Our tax dollars at work....these census workers are not “big bad”, but they are on the clock on all our tax bills.
This is not some high form of Civil Disobedience....what are you accomplishing? :rolleyes:

What fair and equitable public policy could possibly be created based on the intrusive questions? All that is required for them to divvy up the federal funds is to know how many legal residents occupy the various jurisdictions. They are not even asking the questions necessary to learn that information.

...and do not even start on how "anonymous" the data is kept. It will be mere weeks before all the wags are quoting statistics based on the "anonymous" data collected.
I guess “intrusive” is in the eye of the beholder. I find nothing intrusive here.

Per Webster: Anonymous: having or giving no NAME