Can I pick winners, or what?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Castle Rock, CO
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Everything Offends Me
Wow. I asked this girl I work with out tonight to go to a party. For those who knew about it, I broke up with my girlfriend on Wednesday.

Well, this girl is smoking hot. Way outta my league, but she accepted, so go me. We go to this party, and while there, I find out she smokes pot. Strike 1.

During conversation, she starts saying stuff like "jk" and "wtf" and "lol." Irritating, strike 2.

Finally, we start talking about hobbies, and she mentions an ascension show this weekend that she's going to participate in. Strike 3. For those who don't know what ascension is, do a google search, you'll see. Ugh.

Not a good night, even though I put a lot of this aside and wound up having a fun night anyways. But no way am I taking this chick out ever again. Sigh.
Wow. I asked this girl I work with out tonight to go to a party. For those who knew about it, I broke up with my girlfriend on Wednesday.

Well, this girl is smoking hot. Way outta my league, but she accepted, so go me. We go to this party, and while there, I find out she smokes pot. Strike 1.

During conversation, she starts saying stuff like "jk" and "wtf" and "lol." Irritating, strike 2.

Finally, we start talking about hobbies, and she mentions an ascension show this weekend that she's going to participate in. Strike 3. For those who don't know what ascension is, do a google search, you'll see. Ugh.

Not a good night, even though I put a lot of this aside and wound up having a fun night anyways. But no way am I taking this chick out ever again. Sigh.
Sounds like a complete looser. Are you sure strike 1 wasn't when she said yes?

BTW I ggoled ascension show and still have clue what it means. There are a lot references to it but none that have the same theme. It has everything from some computer game discussion group to the "greatest gift the of the prophet" (Islam), a eye tracking camera, or a lingerie show. Care to enlighten us as to what she meant?
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BTW I ggoled ascension show and still have clue what it means. There are a lot references to it but none that have the same theme.

Same here. I feel old enough already, I don't need more of you young bucks using language that I don't understand to make me feel even older!! :D
Sounds like a complete looser. Are you sure strike 1 wasn't when she said yes?

BTW I ggoled ascension show and still have clue what it means. There are a lot references to it but none that have the same theme. It has everything from some computer game discussion group to the "greatest gift the of the prophet" (Islam), a eye tracking camera, or a lingerie show. Care to enlighten us as to what she meant?

Same here, although since it is waaay past pentacost I'm pretty sure she's not going to a christian function.
Oh, this just caught my eye...

BTW I googled ascension show and still have clue what it means. There are a lot references to it .... It has everything from some computer game discussion group to ...a lingerie show. ...

Perhaps you judged to quick?? ;) :D
A pretty women makes her husband look small
it very often causes a system fall
As soon as he marrys her then she starts
looking for things that will break his heart
but if you make an ugly women your wife
you'll be happy for the rest of your life
An ugly women will put peals on that
and she'll always give you a piece of that.

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty women your wife
Go for my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you
Nick, you talking about the hooks-in-the-skin ascension?

Well, Nick, sorry it didn't work out. But there are plenty of fish in the ocean. Get out there and start fishing again and just instantly toss back the ones that don't fit your definition of "keeper", that's all.

Good hunting, kiddo!
Nick, you talking about the hooks-in-the-skin ascension?


Indeed. Since it can't be found on the 'net, I'll describe it in the least vulgar terms I can.

You get naked. You get a bunch of giant hooks placed through your skin in random places. You get hoisted up in the air, and you hang from the hooks, while you skin is stretched to its limit.

I suggest a brand new russian mail order wife, with the "english speaking" option and the performance package. remember, buy new, not pre-owned.
I suggest a brand new russian mail order wife, with the "english speaking" option and the performance package. remember, buy new, not pre-owned.

Friend of mine did just that. Left jail at about age 50 after a ten year sentence. Figure he had to build a new life fast 'cause he lost a lot of prime time. Mind you, they corresponded for a couple of years and visited before agreeing to marry, so it's not exactly 'mail order' but...

It's worked out well (she's actually Moldovan but still -eastern bloc). Beautiful, smart, educated woman.
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Friend of mine did just that. Left jail at about age 50 after a ten year sentence. Figure he had to build a new life fast 'cause he lost a lot of prime time. Mind you, they corresponded for a couple of years and visited before agreeing to marry, so it's not exactly 'mail order' but...

It's worked out well (she's actually Moldovan but still -eastern bloc). Beautiful, smart, educated woman.
Dart, is there any coincidence the woman in the picture is blond? There are a huge number of blonds in Russia, ya know? :)
Dating and playing the lottery is the same.

A huge waste of money with little chance of winning.
Starting to sound like another meeting of the 'He Man Woman Haters club'.


Guess I have been pretty lucky, but then I tend to date women after actually getting to know them a little.
I suggest a brand new russian mail order wife, with the "english speaking" option and the performance package. remember, buy new, not pre-owned.
As with airplanes, it's cheaper to rent, and someone else takes care of the maintenance.
Dating and playing the lottery is the same.

A huge waste of money with little chance of winning.

Ed, you can send the $1,200 to my PayPal account for ruining my laptop by having a coke spewed all over it.:rofl:
Dart, is there any coincidence the woman in the picture is blond? There are a huge number of blonds in Russia, ya know? :)

...Ukraine girls really knock me out... Beatles, Back in the USSR.

I spent the night there a few months ago. The Beatles knew what they were talking about.
Well, this girl is smoking hot.

I know nothing about dating and even less about women, but a smarter person than me once said "a gentleman should be prepared to adjust the goals of the date, depending upon the situation presented"!
How about if she stands you up after arranging to come over ... 4 times? Today it was after verifying about two hours before and setting the time.

Somethin' wrong with that one and I ain't hanging around to find out what.

I deleted the card in address book.
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I suggest a brand new russian mail order wife, with the "english speaking" option and the performance package. remember, buy new, not pre-owned.
Apparently, they couldn't respond to your request or are you just being picky? haha j/k

Getting a date to some people is kinda like turning in a resume. "Past experiences, qualifications, goals in life" and the first impression is one of the biggest.

For the rest of the rednecks, its kinda like going to an auction with beer called a "bar." You hear the bartender in the back going "SOLD to the guy on the right with the smallest beer belly and a full set of teeth!" LOL!!!
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How about if she stands you up after arranging to come over ... 4 times? Today it was after verifying about two hours before and setting the time.

Somethin' wrong with that one and I ain't hanging around to find out what.

I deleted the card in address book.
Four times? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me . . .
Sounds like a complete looser. Are you sure strike 1 wasn't when she said yes?

:eek:) I think you meant loser; but after having read all the posts it would appear that Nick's date may be considerably looser than his normal associates. Wow!

"...smokin hot, ...smokin pot...." damn, of all the bad luck,....

She keeps up that lifestyle, she won't even be lukewarm in a few years...

Cut and run, bud! Lots of hot, nice women out there...
Nick, so why do you think you're "out of your league"? What is it that the woman makes you think that?

Of course it turns out she wasn't in YOUR league.
Doc, I interpret the statement, "out of my league," to mean, he caught up with a girl who is not entirely human.
Nick, so why do you think you're "out of your league"? What is it that the woman makes you think that?

Of course it turns out she wasn't in YOUR league.

LOL - thanks for the kind comments. I am realistic about the fact that charm only takes you so far. I understand that there will never be a woman with Heather Locklear or Mandy Moore with a ring on her hand that I have given her. Its ok, I find the women that are not as attractive to be more than good enough for me anyways.

This one, based solely on appearance, is one of the girls I usually don't waste my time on. Turns out, indeed, I was out of her league, as you said :D