Can I get a 'scrip?


Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
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White Chocolate
At work today, back siezed up horribly. Can't bend over, almost impossible to walk, takes a bunch of effort to get into or out of a chair. And I only have 3 hydrocodones left from a previous scrip. This is gonna be a loooooong weekend.

(No, I don't expect one written. In fact, I can't even get to the drug store to pick it up even if one was written, just needed to whine, since I have no one to do so to at home.)
Been there, Ed. My sympathies. You need a drive-through Walgreens pharmacy.

I think it helps to *try* to move around a bit. That, and my usual handful of generic ibuprofen (Advil/Motrin. Costo has the Kirkland house brand in 2 packs of 1000 count bottles.)
I popped a naproxen and a HC, we'll see how it's doing in a couple hours.
try to get your hands on a muscle relaxant like Robaxin. And read this:
I had a similar back pain. Cured it by taking my wallet out of my hip pocket when I sit down. Seriously.

After years and years of sitting crooked, something finally objected to the stress.

Then it came back. Cured it again by replacing my worn office chair, which was listing ever so slightly.

Your back is very susceptible to this kind of stuff. Especially once you're past about 35.
Oh, I know exaclty what caused this because it's in the same spot every so often. See-Doo accident when I was around 18. Had 6 footers out on Lake Michigan, and was crossing out in front of the channel where all the boats coming and going were making some REALLY big wakes when they combined with the waves just right, I went for one that looked like it was going to be pretty good for a jump, and as I was in the trough and started to gun it, it just got bigger and bigger and bigger. Probably a 12 foot wave, not from trough to crest, but from mid point to crest. Came off the wave real good, and got some sweet air, and landed at the bottom of the trough behind it. When I landed the 'Doo slid right underneath me as my feet slipped off. Basically the same effect as jumping off a 30' ledge and landing square on your butt.

Ever since then every once in a while it seizes up. This time seems to be a bit worse than previous times.
Get a friend to drive you.

Ha! All my friends are married, good luck prying them away from their wives on a weekend, pluse they live like 45 minutes away. Family is out of town.
Sorry for your discomfort, Ed; BTDT. Is your new flying friend a "homing dog?" Send him to your appropriate pharmacy to pick up the 'scrip.

Ha! All my friends are married, good luck prying them away from their wives on a weekend, pluse they live like 45 minutes away. Family is out of town.

Then you need new friends. A friend of mine is hurt or ill and needs me I'm out the door with the brides blessing. And FWIW Scott and Ken are on target. If its a disc see a doc. But if its muscle a massage will be worth the pain of the drive.

my lower back was so freaking stiff I had to lean on the sink when brushing my teeth. BRother gave me a gift certificate for the BDay to his massage therapist. Go figure the stiffness in my lower back and minor sciatica I had was as a result of a knoted up peraformis (sp) muscle. Basically a muscle in your butt. When that got loosened up it was like I was a new person. Amazing how one out of whack muscle can affect your body elsewhere. And yeah keep moving.
get a recommendation for a (legit) massage therapist that will come to your house. My daughter does house visits, but only for people she knows and/or come with very good personal referrals. However, I'm afraid you're a bit out of her travel area...
FWIW, if you go to a massage therapist, get a long massage, i.e. 75 minutes or so. It is absolutely worth it, and in my opinion necessary if you have a particular problem area like the lower back.
Ha! All my friends are married, good luck prying them away from their wives on a weekend, pluse they live like 45 minutes away. Family is out of town.

And here I thought I was a friend :rolleyes: You might be right about the married thing, but I'm only 20 minutes away.
Well as it turns out the Naproxen and Vicoden relieved it enough I could drive 3 miles to a CMT last night. Got up this morning, and I feel a ton better.
Still feelin ok, Ed?
I googled CMT and got music, tools and a few other things that didn't make any s.
At work today, back siezed up horribly. Can't bend over, almost impossible to walk, takes a bunch of effort to get into or out of a chair. And I only have 3 hydrocodones left from a previous scrip. This is gonna be a loooooong weekend.

(No, I don't expect one written. In fact, I can't even get to the drug store to pick it up even if one was written, just needed to whine, since I have no one to do so to at home.)

Screw the "hydro", when I go through a bout with the back, I go straight for the oxycontin and Somas or Flexeril. BTW, if you go through this with any frequency, get some inversion boots.
Screw the "hydro", when I go through a bout with the back, I go straight for the oxycontin and Somas or Flexeril. BTW, if you go through this with any frequency, get some inversion boots.

Don't these drugs void your medical? How do you explain this stuff when you renew?
Don't these drugs void your medical? How do you explain this stuff when you renew?

Until Bruce chimes in....AFAIK, you report it and you self ground while you're taking it. When you report it you should say that you only take it occasionally and rarely when needed for the pain.

I hope it works that way. I had one of those prescribed for me when I had short duration episode - which went away on its own after a few weeks. I only took a couple of pills until I stopped due to the side effects. I guess I'll hang on to the bottle to show I still have the rest. I think you can turn the bottle in to your doctor to have that noted in your records.
MikeA is correct. If it's a transient episode, take 'em, self ground, get better with time, three days off of 'em, and you can fly....
Don't these drugs void your medical? How do you explain this stuff when you renew?

They don't "Void" it, it's a self grounding situation, and believe me, if I'm at the point of taking Oxycontin, there's no way I'm going to sit in an airplane regardless of the drugs. The pills don't "fix" anything, they just take the edge off the nerve pain so the muscle relaxers can do their thing and I can sleep. When the episode is over, I come off the meds and I'm legal to go again in a few days. As for how do I account for it, I just tell the AME, I have a long history with this (first back surgery was when I was 21) and it has never been an issue here or in Aus.
At work today, back siezed up horribly. Can't bend over, almost impossible to walk, takes a bunch of effort to get into or out of a chair. And I only have 3 hydrocodones left from a previous scrip. This is gonna be a loooooong weekend.

(No, I don't expect one written. In fact, I can't even get to the drug store to pick it up even if one was written, just needed to whine, since I have no one to do so to at home.)

Anti-inflammatories - advil, etc, - I'm not a doc, so I can't tell you to take 800mgs (four pills) at a time. But a doc can tell you exactly that. :)

Ice - bags of frozen corn work well. Keep 'em on till it gets numb. Refreeze 'em and do it again in an hour or two. Uh, don't eat the corn, afterwards. :eek:

Movement - keeping still is the WORST thing you can do. LIGHT stretching - as is, the second you START TO THINK it's BEGINNING to stretch, stop there.

Patience. You have my deepest, personal sympathies. I've got years of this under my belt. :(
FWIW, if you go to a massage therapist, get a long massage, i.e. 75 minutes or so. It is absolutely worth it, and in my opinion necessary if you have a particular problem area like the lower back.

be sure to ask for the "Happy Finish"
Then you need new friends. A friend of mine is hurt or ill and needs me I'm out the door with the brides blessing.

Apparently your wife is a keeper. Not many women today are.

Ed, when I destroyed my back playing softball a few years ago, I found it felt better as the day went on if I kept moving as much as I could force myself. If I laid around or sat around too long, it would just tighten up to the point of being unmoveable. Maybe a trip to the pharmacy is just what ya need!
Apparently your wife is a keeper. Not many women today are.

Ed, when I destroyed my back playing softball a few years ago, I found it felt better as the day went on if I kept moving as much as I could force myself. If I laid around or sat around too long, it would just tighten up to the point of being unmoveable. Maybe a trip to the pharmacy is just what ya need!

I'll second the suggestion. Sitting for a period of time with my left foot in the wrong position results in a very stiff and sore ankle. Walking around helps. Too much abuse and it gets even with me, but the right amount of excercise and it behaves. 34 years of putting up with it and I'm getting it dialed in. :p
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