Bye Bye My Bully's


Line Up and Wait
Mar 13, 2008
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My last Bully, Boomer Prince Charles, walked across the rainbow bridge this morning. We'll miss him so much.

Mo (Mo Betta Blues) made the walk last year, and
Otis (Otislipps) (CEO of OtisAir) took the walk several years back.

We shall miss them always.

Boomer Prince Charles


Mo (Mo Betta Blues)


Otis (Otislipps)

I'm so sorry to hear that. Losing a member of the family is always tough, but you'll have the great memories forever.
I hope you won't leave the house empty for long. I know how you feel. My condolences.:frown3:
awwwwwwww, sorry you lost your puppy today. Pets are family members - I know it's hard. :(
I am so sorry for the loss of your pup. It's hard. I know. (I put both mine down on the same day...they were litter mates.)

You might want to pick up the book Marley and Me (suggested to me by a member here on the board). It is will make you feel better. :)
I met a new Bullfriend named Baxter at the grandkids flag football game last Wednesday. He lives next door to the park, which also has a playground, and his owner said he sometimes slips out of the back door and goes over to play with the kids. He liked me OK, but when Alex (age 8) came over to get a drink, Baxter just wiggled all over and was really glad to see a little kid.

Sorry for your loss, they are fun pooches.
Thank You to Each of You. Ya'll are very kind.
It is amazing how dogs become such an important part of our families.

White Fang was 15 years old Siberian Seppla, weight 110 pounds (not over weight), all white with powder blue eyes. He was definately an alpha male dog, and a great companion. I know what it means to make the decision to help them "take the walk." One of the toughest things I have ever done in my life, but it had to be done.

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Dogs are noble beasties, and they know what we need before we know we need it ourselves.

Condolences to you.
Sorry for your loss. Our girls are our family, too.

Two of my favorite dog rememberence quotes:

All of man's virtues and none of his vices. . .


The reason dogs don't live longer is to save us. If they lived as long as people, the sorrow at their passing would go from nearly intolerable to terminal.

Thanks for being a good dog owner.


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Sorry to hear it - we lost Mica the Insane Cattledog last february and I'm still not over it. :( :(
I'm sorry, man :(

I don't know how I'll take Piper's death....won't be easy, that's for sure.
It's always hard. Best of luck to you. You'll miss him for a long time. BTDT, more than once (and looking at it again).