Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong


Taxi to Parking
Gone West
Feb 26, 2005
Ft Lauderdale FL
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Anyone heard them speak on aliens? Some interesting things I have watched in the last couple of days. I always remember a joke about Buzz and Moon Men, but I guess he's not kidding, and Neil had some interesting comments as well.:dunno: Interesting if true, and put's everything into perspective.
Internet sez. Aliens sure, there has to be somewhere, even if just dumb single celled amoebas. An old alien casino on the moon? That seems silly.
Well Shepard played golf. Who do you think built the course? It sure wasn't Nicholas...
Internet sez. Aliens sure, there has to be somewhere, even if just dumb single celled amoebas. An old alien casino on the moon? That seems silly.

Not necessarily is you take an out of the box view on the stories of religion. What if the "Angels" are other more evolved alien life forms.

If one accounts that we are all of one organism stemming from a central intelligence, the story starts to become more clear when one considers an ancient perspective and the inaccuracies inherent in thousands of years of translations into languages of increasing complexity from much simpler ones; things become more sensible.

Remember, Earth is a nursery planet, very rare. We are an initial origin species, but we are a 2.2.5 species direct from the source. There could very well be some 1.9.200 species around, and they want this planet to use as a nursery planet of their own. It could very well be that they are monitoring the planet waiting for us to kill ourselves off. They have to give us a chance to evolve, but I would bet that they have permission at the first sign of a nuclear exchange to end it and us before we waste that level of resource development.

If what Buzz and Neil say are true, and there is knowledge of this in leadership, and it is the basis of Devine Right in our social heritage, then "the devil" is an alien and we have been guided into a system that assured our destruction by a great lie.

Could it be done?:dunno: Probably.
Alien meddling would explain the missing link/sudden jump in intelligence. Would explain the amazingness of going from horse and buggies to iphones in a 100 years. Some of the cave drawings could be taken as evidence of active meddling. Why stop overtly meddling though? Why hide? I guess people would behave different if we all knew for certain there were smart space monkies, but different in what way and to what disadvantage?
Hard to know the rules to a relationship you aren't part of.
I always figured we are wholly owned livestock but I guess I underestimated who the farmer is. What would pigs do if they knew the score?
I always figured we are wholly owned livestock but I guess I underestimated who the farmer is. What would pigs do if they knew the score?

Well, there is also the potential of being rustled from the farmer. The aliens are poaching the planet, but they have to get us to fail first. It makes a lot of sense out of the bet.
Well, there is also the potential of being rustled from the farmer. The aliens are poaching the planet, but they have to get us to fail first. It makes a lot of sense out of the bet.
War doesn't work so they'll help everyone get fat and die off that way. War doesn't kill enough women but sugary coffee drinks might. Why would our human leaders play along?
It is an interesting topic, listening to them talk does get one thinking. The scary part is that Henning's point has a lot of logic from a certain perspective. One question though, why do we always assume aliens are more advanced? What is to say there aren't some that are less so? I suppose the more advanced one's are the most likely to visit.
It is an interesting topic, listening to them talk does get one thinking. The scary part is that Henning's point has a lot of logic from a certain perspective. One question though, why do we always assume aliens are more advanced? What is to say there aren't some that are less so? I suppose the more advanced one's are the most likely to visit.

If they can get here, they are more advanced than we are.

Considering the vastness of the universe, it seems likely that there are other planets with intelligent life on them. Also considering the vastness of the universe, it's unlikely we'll ever meet them.
If they can get here, they are more advanced than we are.

Considering the vastness of the universe, it seems likely that there are other planets with intelligent life on them. Also considering the vastness of the universe, it's unlikely we'll ever meet them.

Unless they come to us to intervene for some reason, it does seem likely we will destroy ourselves somehow first. But who knows humans like to believe we are clever.
War doesn't work so they'll help everyone get fat and die off that way. War doesn't kill enough women but sugary coffee drinks might. Why would our human leaders play along?

Drought and famine will do it as well, long before dietary issues. The planet can only serve about 3 billion, and we stretched the food to 7 billion, but we are at a water deficit to do it.

Makes one wonder if MMGW is actually AMGW to terraform the planet. We're the marks in an intergalactic, inter dimensional long con. No doubt we are dumb enough to fall for something like this. Just another form of scam.
Run the Drake equation. Depending on the assumptions our existence has 1 to 50,000 against (In other words we are a miracle.)

Run another way there have been 200,000 civilizations that have already come and died out. A few active now, but scattered so far apart as to be unknown to one another.

Use more liberal assumptions and our galaxy is awash in technically advanced, communicative civilizations.
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I bought Buzz's book a few years ago and heard him speak at the Cradle Of Aviation museum here in LI. He's an interesting guy. Basically waht I got from his lecture was that he hates the Obama administration for shutting down the Space Shuttle program and he was smarter than Neil and other astronauts. However I do enjoy that video where he punches the moon landing conspiracy guy in the face.
So hard to choose conspiracy theories. Aliens on the moon or a faked moon landing. Dammit I want to believe both.:lol:
Unless they can fold space, it makes a lot more sense to send machines across the cosmos than flesh and bone.

If UFO's are here, I think they're autonomous. Or artificial intelligence. Not beings. It makes little sense unless they can come and go instantaneously.
It is an interesting topic, listening to them talk does get one thinking. The scary part is that Henning's point has a lot of logic from a certain perspective. One question though, why do we always assume aliens are more advanced? What is to say there aren't some that are less so? I suppose the more advanced one's are the most likely to visit.

Read "The Road not Taken", a short story by Harry Turtledove. In the story, space travel/hyperdrive technology is dead-simple, and can be invented and exploited by any ~16th-century-equivalent civilization. All they need to do then is make (mostly) vacuum-proof vehicles and figure out how to navigate.

Most planets *do* discover the technology (except for old, backward, benighted Earth). And most planets *do* what 16th-century Earth did with their high-tech: Explore until you find rich natives, overpower them, and steal their stuff.

There is, of course, no technological imperative to improve any OTHER technology. What they have works fine for over-awing the natives. So it's light signals between ships, and conquistador-type armor, matchlocks, and crossbows when they attack a planet.

So when they attack present-day Earth, matchlocks and crossbows are met by a National Guard unit with machine guns and tanks....

Phil Plait (the Bad Astronomer) has some good points about aliens in his non-fiction book "Death from the Skies." Nothing synchronizes interstellar civilizations; if the aliens show up, they're more probably going to have technology that's MILLIONS of years ahead of ours, not hundreds. None of this, "Their ships are a little faster and the guns are more effective, but we can beat them!"

He also speculates that such a sufficiently-advanced civilization may spend considerable effort ensuring that no OTHER race can ever threaten them.

So maybe we don't WANT to be found.....

Ron Wanttaja
Read "The Road not Taken", a short story by Harry Turtledove.

So maybe we don't WANT to be found.....

Ron Wanttaja

Ok, so that sounds interesting. It just led to a way longer search to find a copy but I think I did. For anyone else looking it was a short story first published under the pen name Eric Iverson in Analog, 1985. I found it as part of a collection of short science fiction stories.

At any rate, it sounds interesting. The ability to access distant galaxy's brings with it a whole moral dilemma that we may or may not be prepared for as a society. I suspect that the author is correct in his assumption that we are not.

Thanks for the suggestion Ron.
I always figured we are wholly owned livestock but I guess I underestimated who the farmer is. What would pigs do if they knew the score?

If the pigs start flying....we are in trouble!!!;)
Unless they can fold space, it makes a lot more sense to send machines across the cosmos than flesh and bone.

If UFO's are here, I think they're autonomous. Or artificial intelligence. Not beings. It makes little sense unless they can come and go instantaneously.

You don't need to fold space, you just need to disengage your information from it then reuse it to excite unexcited Dark Matter in the new location. This can happen instantly on the life spectrum because while it travels on the time wave, the information itself exists outside of time. Teleportation is just communication of information.
Here's the deal, facts of intelligent extraterrestrial life. Very simple......

Intelligent life elsewhere or elsewhen... yes very likely based on that we came to exist and the vastness of space/time (lots of planets) making odds good, though it took billions of years and many many species on earth until us.
So it's not easy.
Evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence?...

ZERO so far.

Or almost zero, the famous "WOW" signal is about it. Never heard again.

That's it. Facts of intelligent extraterrestrial life. Don't make it more complicated or buy into BS.

This is from someone who runs SETI@HOME software for 16 years now, so I am looking.
Zero SETI type evidence can easily be explained, they are looking on the wrong spectrum. We only have access to the electromagnetic spectrum, everyone else communicates on the Life spectrum. We haven't reached that stage of evolution yet, we have a couple social, cultural, milestones to reach first; we have to quit being bitter tasting in thought and cancerous in action first before anything.

We are diseased, failing, and quarantined. If there are aliens watching us, they are circling like vultures waiting for us to die, and to protect the resources on this rare nursery planet for intelligence from us if we decide to kill ourselves off with nukes.
Anyone heard them speak on aliens? Some interesting things I have watched in the last couple of days. I always remember a joke about Buzz and Moon Men, but I guess he's not kidding, and Neil had some interesting comments as well.:dunno: Interesting if true, and put's everything into perspective.

I saw some video of that from the moon....where he was being chased, hid behind some rocks, then farted in his space suit. Scary stuff!

Zero SETI type evidence can easily be explained, they are looking on the wrong spectrum. We only have access to the electromagnetic spectrum, everyone else communicates on the Life spectrum. We haven't reached that stage of evolution yet, we have a couple social, cultural, milestones to reach first; we have to quit being bitter tasting in thought and cancerous in action first before anything.

We are diseased, failing, and quarantined. If there are aliens watching us, they are circling like vultures waiting for us to die, and to protect the resources on this rare nursery planet for intelligence from us if we decide to kill ourselves off with nukes.

Any intelligent lifeform ANYWHERE would be looking at ANY spectrum they have access to.

I know your anti human Henning...but cmon:rolleyes:
Any intelligent lifeform ANYWHERE would be looking at ANY spectrum they have access to.

I know your anti human Henning...but cmon:rolleyes:

Correct, but others have access to a spectrum we do not. A spectrum that carries information outside of space time through the 'threads' of string theory. Since all communication on this spectrum is instant (including communication of DNA and other matter structure information), while communications in the electromagnetic spectrum are limited by time. The other issue is that in that spectrum, life form to life form direct communications are available, "mind to mind direct dial". They would have absolutely no use of communicating on the electromagnetic spectrum. You don't hit a nail with a rock when you have a hammer. The universe could be packed with intelligent life and we would not know, because we are looking somewhere they don't appear. Hearing what is represented as Buzz Aldrin (and not denied by) switching Comms channel to 'medical' (not on public broadcast) saying they were around the ridge watching them, that is interesting. Supposedly it was captured by some HAM.

It's really interesting how many NASA people have stepped forward on this. Funding drive?
Correct, but others have access to a spectrum we do not. A spectrum that carries information outside of space time through the 'threads' of string theory. Since all communication on this spectrum is instant (including communication of DNA and other matter structure information), while communications in the electromagnetic spectrum are limited by time. The other issue is that in that spectrum, life form to life form direct communications are available, "mind to mind direct dial". They would have absolutely no use of communicating on the electromagnetic spectrum. You don't hit a nail with a rock when you have a hammer. The universe could be packed with intelligent life and we would not know, because we are looking somewhere they don't appear. Hearing what is represented as Buzz Aldrin (and not denied by) switching Comms channel to 'medical' (not on public broadcast) saying they were around the ridge watching them, that is interesting. Supposedly it was captured by some HAM.

It's really interesting how many NASA people have stepped forward on this. Funding drive?

Again you have overthought.....

So in your theory....master intelligence overthinks and goes straight to the most efficient way of communicating....leaving out all other forms of communication available????

Doesn't sound like a very intelligent lifeform to me.

We use what we have...pretty sure any intelligent lifeform would use every resource they had access to.
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Zero SETI type evidence can easily be explained, they are looking on the wrong spectrum. We only have access to the electromagnetic spectrum, everyone else communicates on the Life spectrum. We haven't reached that stage of evolution yet, we have a couple social, cultural, milestones to reach first; we have to quit being bitter tasting in thought and cancerous in action first before anything.

We are diseased, failing, and quarantined. If there are aliens watching us, they are circling like vultures waiting for us to die, and to protect the resources on this rare nursery planet for intelligence from us if we decide to kill ourselves off with nukes.

Based on what?
We have nothing to compare to nor have any calibrated moral ruler to measure are worthiness to some imagined intergalactic moral standards.

Rather than our species being some extreme bad corner case (rare as corner cases are rare), the most likely probably prevails... we are probably a typical example of any ascending intelligence at this point in development. Even wars could be an incredibly necessary important stage in progressing to new levels.
Again you have overthought.....

So in your theory....master intelligence overthinks and goes straight to the most efficient way of communicating....leaving out all other forms of communication available????

Doesn't sound like a very intelligent lifeform to me.

We use what we have...pretty sure any intelligent lifeform would use every resource they had access to.

Within listening range? Yes with the rarity of planets that can support the evolution of a high intelligence species, the chances of another equally evolved/restricted species being within 'earshot' given the limitations on the electromagnetic spectrum, are extremely low. When taken into consideration the limited scope of SETI, the chance they would find an intelligent species communicating on EM spectrum is next to nothing.

There is also the chance that Model 1 came out with direct and immediate access to that spectrum which lead to it's own set of problems.
Read "The Road not Taken", a short story by Harry Turtledove.
Thanks for the tip! Beaming it to my kindle now. :wink2:

This is from someone who runs SETI@HOME software for 16 years now, so I am looking.
I used to run that back in the late 90's. I looked for it recently and wasn't able to find it. Are they still using it? If so, do you have a download link you could share?

Zero SETI type evidence can easily be explained
One solid explanation is the vast majority of signals we are capable of generating are not capable of being detected at even the nearest star by the kind of sensors we use now. So they might know about us, but we aren't capable of detecting anything about them.

Within listening range? Yes with the rarity of planets that can support the evolution of a high intelligence species, the chances of another equally evolved/restricted species being within 'earshot' given the limitations on the electromagnetic spectrum, are extremely low. When taken into consideration the limited scope of SETI, the chance they would find an intelligent species communicating on EM spectrum is next to nothing.
On a related note, the more advanced our technology becomes, the less "noise" we generate. Extrapolated, any aliens that would have the technology to travel interstellar distances would probably not be detectable unless they wanted to be.
Sure aliens are going to use soup cans and string to communicate short distances.:rolleyes: SETI is a dumb distraction.
Again you have overthought.....

So in your theory....master intelligence overthinks and goes straight to the most efficient way of communicating....leaving out all other forms of communication available????

Doesn't sound like a very intelligent lifeform to me.

We use what we have...pretty sure any intelligent lifeform would use every resource they had access to.
Why was there a surge in Reynold's stock following this thread? Coincidence? I think not.
Well, if you ask me, ...

if aliens have been here all this time without saying hello, they're up to no damn good.
Well, if you ask me, ...

if aliens have been here all this time without saying hello, they're up to no damn good.

You bet, and if you look at the Biblical texts as a history book written with literary prose, and dissected to count for aliens, they got spanked back when they did say hello and got kicked off and told to leave us alone. That would mean there is an entity with that level of ability. There's a lot of freaky **** in the OT and in the social/religious texts that predate Judaism.

The whole Zoroastrian (from which came Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) movement may have come at that spanking, they got kicked out, and we were warned that they were up to no good and they were screwing us over.
You bet, and if you look at the Biblical texts as a history book written with literary prose, and dissected to count for aliens, they got spanked back when they did say hello and got kicked off and told to leave us alone. That would mean there is an entity with that level of ability. There's a lot of freaky **** in the OT and in the social/religious texts that predate Judaism.

The whole Zoroastrian (from which came Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) movement may have come at that spanking, they got kicked out, and we were warned that they were up to no good and they were screwing us over.

Never been a fan of fiction ... :lol:
Never been a fan of fiction ... :lol:

Well that's it, it's not total fiction, there are bits of history involved. There's the 'Book of Begats' basically a family tree recorded in enduring history. Look at Kosherite Law, now look at your state health codes for food handling, and consider what carries dangerous parasites and bacteria; see some similarities? The trick is to filter out the nuggets from the overburden, to rewind the stories in time to their original telling and find the origins. Like lots of Hollywood and modern fiction, there is actually some truth to the basis of the fiction.
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Maybe that is the basis of karma and do unto others and all that religious stuff. Cause the only thing that could defeat a technically superior enemy is love. Now go hug somebody. The fate of the human race depends on it. All those religious texts are defense against aliens instruction manuals. Second coming of Christ is going to be a doozy with spaceships and stuff.